y/f/c = your favorite candy
The Winchesters needed you to help with a bit of research for them as they went on a difficult hunt and with Kevin having to work on the tablet he wasn't able to. They called you up not long after finding the case, asking if you could stay at least two weeks in the bunker, just so you could have all the information you needed at your fingertips. You of course agreed because 1) they were your friends and you loved staying at the bunker, better than the filthy same old motel rooms and 2) you've become best friends with Kevin and you were excited that you were getting to see him again.
So now you were finished packing your bag up with all of your possessions and started walking out to your car. As if right on cue you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket and smiled when you saw the caller ID.
"Hey Kevin!"
"Hey Y/N! So I've gotten everything prepared for our two weeks and we're gonna have the best time ever!"
"Awesome! As long as you got y/f/c for our movie nights I think we're gonna have an even better time!"
"Of course, how could I forget? My brain isn't that fried out yet!"
"Alright cool, well I'll see you in a few hours Kev!"
"See ya Y/N. Drive safe."
You both ended the conversation there, starting your car up and pulling out of the parking lot you were headed towards your destination for the next two weeks."Of course, how could I forget? My brain isn't that fried out yet!"
As Kevin was saying this Dean walked into the library. Seeing that Kevin was on the phone he decided to stand there with his arms crossed waiting till he finished.
"See ya Y/N. Drive safe." Hearing your name made the older Winchesters ears perk up.
"So you're already talking to Y/N and she isn't even here yet. You just can't stand it when she's away can you? Why don't you just ask her out already, I mean damn kid, she's not getting any younger ya know."
"I know Dean, I just know that she only sees us as ever being best friends so there is no point in asking her out when all that's going to happen is me getting rejected and losing a friend." Pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out a deep sigh because that's all the Winchesters seem to do when you're brought up around Kevin. All he hears is 'you to should get together', 'you two should totally date', 'you two would make such a cute couple', or the most recent 'come on dude ask her out'. He knows he doesn't stand a chance, so there's no reason in trying.
"Dude there's no harm in giving it a shot. Go for it and I'm sure you'll like her answer. Cause I'm positive it won't be a no. Have you seen the way she acts around you? You're completely oblivious if you don't."
"Whatever man, don't you have to be packing for this hunt? Plus I have work to do before she gets here. So if you could please give me some peace and quiet?"You walked up to the huge metal door in the middle of nowhere, knocking on it as loud as possible only to make sure they heard you. The door swung open only a few seconds later and you saw the face of your best friend light up.
Throwing your stuff down and jumping into his arms you gave him the biggest hug you could muster up "Kevin! Oh my gosh!! I haven't seen you in forever! I've missed you so much!"
You heard the Winchester brothers cough slightly behind him and looked up "Don't worry you two, I've missed you guys a whole lot too!" You ran up to them and gave them each their own hug.
"Okay kiddo if you need anything just let Kevin know and he can help you with anything. And I mean anything." He looked to Kevin wiggling his eyebrows.
Hearing what Dean had just said you became very confused so you glanced over to Kevin only to see he had his head hanging down while shaking it disapprovingly. "Uhmm...okay? Thanks I guess?"
"Shouldn't you guys, oh I don't know, be leaving now?! You have a case to handle remember? People need saving!"
"Yeah yeah okay mister shovey pants, we're going, we're going."
Sam and Dean made their way up to the top of the stairs but just before Sam walked out he turned back around looking down on you and Kevin. "You two kids don't have to much fun okay? When we come back this place better be clean and no clothes scattered everywhere." He gave a quick wink towards Kevin and you heard Kevin sigh and walk away. So you just smiled and waved at the younger Winchester till he vanished through the bunker door.
"Uh Kevin what was he talking about?"
"Nothing, come on, I have all your favorite movies lined up and all of your favorite snacks too, so let's head to the living room. Let the awesome two weeks of Y/N and Kevin commence!" He gave you the biggest most cutest smile ever making you completely forget what you were going to ask him next so you just went along with what he said.
You two ran into the living room sitting down next to each other once the movie was put in. After a while you grabbed a blanket and pulled it over the two of you, then you felt Kevin's arm go around your shoulder so you laid your head on his. Thinking to yourself maybe he really does like you and everything the Winchesters have been saying is true.
You soon fell asleep with high hopes for these next two weeks, hopes that Kevin would eventually ask you that one simple question.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...