"Personally, I was like-" Misha said putting a hand on Jensen's shoulder as if he was Grant, replaying what had really happened about a year ago "-You hurt her, I'm sending heaven's and hell's army on you" he said with a serious face what he had told your boyfriend Grant when they found out that he had proposed to you.
You laughed as you remembered the face he had at seeing Misha's serious face. Because although he wanted to laugh at him, the glint on Misha's eyes scared the hell out of him.
"Ah yes, we all said one or two things to that lad" Jensen said with a proud smile and your eyes widened because you didn't know that they actually had talked to him when you announced to them that you and Grant were going to get married.
"I really don't want to know what you told him" you shook your head.
"Yeah, you really don't." Jared said glancing at Jensen who had a smile on his face. A disturbing at that.
"Oh dear Castiel" you shook your head even more.
Jensen chuckled and spoke "Don't worry we didn't really threaten him or scare him off. Proof is that he was there waiting for you at the altar to marry him"
"That day" Jared smiled in memory of that day, which was not actually really long ago "I remember every little detail"
"How could you not? We've been shipping those two morons before they even got together!" Jensen motioned to you "It was a happy day, though. Really. We actually saw this girl grow up. She grew up with us and watching her walk down that ail to her future husband, about to make a family of her own. It was kind of touching too. For Jared anyway" he added in the end.
"Yeah, it was touching for me. That's why he would not stop crying like a baby. I mean I had a big pack of tissues here and was standing all the time next to him. I was like- here-" Jared said, putting a pack of tissues inside his flannel.
"Thank you" Jensen said taking a tissue from him.
"Hey" the screen of your computer lit up, showing the image of your husband.
"Hey you" you smiled back at him "How are you?"
"Good. Maybe a little bit tired, but I'll manage. How are you? How are the babies?" he asked, not missing a beat.
"Good. We're all good. They won't stop kicking though" you giggled "Obviously they miss their daddy" you added.
"Aw I know. I miss you too. I really wish I had declined the offer"
"No, Grant. You couldn't and it's a good thing you didn't. You know I can manage without you even for a couple days. I am fine. I will be fine. You just need to focus on your job" you told him with a warm smile.
"I hate leaving you alone for this long. Especially now that you're pregnant." Grant sighed and looked at you rough the camera of his computer "I love you so much, babies" he said and you smiled at him.
You opened your mouth to respond but were cut off by Jensen's voice "Oh my, Grant not now! (Y/n)'s here! The three of us can talk later! Right Jared?"
You heard Jared chuckle behind your back "Yes, definitely yes"
"Are you implying that my husband is cheating on me with two of you?" you turned your head to look at them and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh we've been caught!" Jensen exclaimed raising his hands.
"What are you two even doing here?" you asked them "And how did you get in?"
"Uh first of; we have keys-" Jensen said showing you the keys.
"Which I didn't give you, so you basically stole them from me" you interjected.
He rolled his eyes, scoffing, and continued "-And second of; we're here because you obviously need help. We can't leave you alone in this kind of condition."
"Jensen, I'm pregnant but that doesn't mean that I can't do things on my own" you said crossing your arms.
"Uh sorry but I have to say that I agree with the guys on that one, baby" Grant's voice made you turn to look at him on your computer.
"There are some things that you can't do on your own and besides that- there needs to be always somebody by your side to make sure that you are ok. What if you need something and you can't get it? What if you get hungry in the middle of the night but can't go out to get what you want?" he said.
"What if you feel any small pains and can't call the doctor? What if you fall and can't get up?" Jensen added.
"What if your water breaks and there is nobody to get you to the hospital? What if when that happens you can't reach anybody on phone?" Jared proceeded to add, too.
"There has to be someone there for you. And the only ones I trust other than myself to take care of you is Jensen and Jared" Grant said.
All you did was roll your eyes at them.
"You did great, baby. You did great" Grant whispered in your ear, kissing your wet forehead.
"We did great, Grant. They're both our kids" you said with a tired smile, having gotten completely exhausted from the birth.
"Our kids" he repeated almost in disbelief, his eyes welling with tears.
"Hey, now. Don't start going all mushy on me, 'k? I'm really tired to deal with you crying like a baby" you tried to lighten the mood and managed to do so.
"Hey, sorry. I just- It was hard and I got scared that something was going to go wrong. Sorry" he mumbled, looking down at your locked fingers.
"It's ok, Grant. I know. At some point I got scared too but- we made it, right? That's the important. We're all fine now" you said rubbing your thumb over his palm.
"Yeah..." he breathed out with a smile.
"And they both look so much like you. So so beautiful" he whispered in awe mostly to himself as he looked at the twins.
"Thank you but they do look a lot like you too, baby. Especially (y/s/n). Just look at his eyes, so much like you" you said looking at your newborn baby son in... Jared's arms.
Yeah, as soon as you had given birth to them you hadn't had the chance to hold them for long before the nurses had taken them. But when they returned with the babies Jensen and Jared had not given you almost no chance to touch them; taking them immediately from the nurses' arms and not letting go of them. Jared having taken hold of (y/s/n) and Jensen of (y/d/n).
Neither you nor Grant were going to complain, though, at the face you saw Jensen and Jared have. They were family to you, even thought there was no blood relation but you never cared about that in the first place.
"I guess you're right" he mumbled taking in a shaky breath that indicated that he was fighting and failing to keep the tears in.
Silence followed for a while before you spoke.
"Hey, Jensen. Are you... crying?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
"No it's raining on my face! Of course I am crying, what do you think? My little girl just had a little girl and a little boy but- just look at this beauty here. She's just like you" he said and look at your daughter in his arms.
"Well you surely haven't really seen (y/s/n). He looks just like (Y/n) when she's sleeping. Can't wait for this one to grow" Jared ended up mumbling.
"We have so much to teach them" Jensen said and you felt your eyes widen.
"Oh dear Castiel help us"

Random Fandom Imagines 2
FanfictionHey fandom imagine lovers If you cannot see this is a series so read the first book because I will be finishing off some of my imagines in this book, mainly my AU imagines. Hope you enjoy this book Comment And please share with people who you know...