Gabriel x Shy!Reader

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Alright so I just decided to start writing my own ideas and then I'll write whatever you guys request once you guys finally request something! 😉
Also, this is an AU where Gabe didn't die before the boys discovered the bunker.

I lay down on a bed, hearing it groan from my weight.

"Dean, these beds suck," I complain.

"That's what you say every time," he chuckles, setting down our stuff. I roll my eyes. For a moment, it is silent except for the guys unpacking a few things and claiming beds. A sigh escapes my lips. I look around the room.

"So boys. Cas tells me you guys met someone new when you made me stay at the motel."

Sam looks up at me.

"He did?"

"Yep. Said his name was-"

"Don't say it!"


The boys look around as the name comes out of my mouth. I stand up off the bed, turning to them with my hands on my hips.

"What did you expect to happen? It's not like he's gonna somehow magically appear at the sound of his name."

Sam and Dean look behind me with exasperated looks.


I turn around and come face to face with a rather attractive guy. My face immediately reddens.

"Oh... Uh, h-hi," I stutter shyly, backing up behind Dean.

"Someone said my name?"

"Yeah, you can leave now," Dean says harshly. I tug on Dean's sleeve roughly.


"N-no, don't make him leave."

"Why not?"

"Because... I don't know," I whisper, peaking at Gabriel around Dean's shoulder. He waves at me with a smile and I wave back shyly. Dean looks at both of us quickly.

"Oh no. You can't think he's cute. No, this isn't happening."

"I never said that Dean!" I huff. I cough awkwardly after, trying to cover up my outburst.

"So, I never got your name."

I look up at him.

"My name is, uh, (Y/n)."

"That's a cute name. My name is Gabriel. But you can just call me Gabe," he finishes with a wink.

"Mm..." I nod nervously and walk back a little more.

"Hey. You don't have to be scared of me. I don't bite... Unless you want me to."

My face reddens again. I've never been more flustered. No guys have ever really flirted with me before.

"So Cas didn't tell me... Uh, I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but, uh... What... Are you?"



I look between Gabriel and Dean.

"Well, which is it?"

"He is an archangel," Sam speaks up.

"Fine. Ya got me," he pulls two small (insert flavor) suckers out of his pocket.

"Want one, doll?"

"Yeah!" I grab one. (Insert flavor) is my favorite flavor.

"Well it's been nice seein' you but I really think you need to go," Dean says sarcastically.

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