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"Miss? Miss, I need you to wake up. Miss (Y/l/n)!"

You sit up in your chair, taking in your surroundings.

"The library is closing," the woman next to you snaps, as if she's already said this a million times.

"Oh, sorry."

You wipe your eyes and begin gathering the materials spread across the table. Convinced you're leaving, the librarian moves behind her own desk. Just to appease the angry librarian, you check out a few books before exiting.

Your arms completely full, you start the slow walk home. Your mom hasn't bought you a car yet and you don't have money for the bus, so you're stuck walking. Living in the country is lovely in retrospect, but when you have to walk a couple miles to get home, it kind of sucks.

The shortest part of the walk is getting through town. You have to readjust the items in your hands periodically, but you get through town quickly enough. As soon as you get out of town, the pavement deteriorates until it's basically just a dirt path. With every step, dust puffs up and gets your old converse dirty.

Usually, you take this time to just think about life, and though you won't admit it, sometimes you daydream. About boys, friends, having a mom who actually cares, amongst other things. You are just starting in on these thoughts when the sound of an engine cuts through the quiet evening air. You frown slightly, finding it unusual for anyone to be on this road at this time. Most of the people out where you live are what you like to call country folk. No TVs, don't go into town often, mostly just keep to themselves. The rational side of you knows there are others like you (well, not exactly like you) living around in the country as well, but they must live pretty far from you because you never see them.

You look back and spot a red truck heading your way. Large dust clouds billow up behind it, but as the truck nears you, the clouds get smaller and the truck comes to a stop. Unease settles in your gut. Your mother never told you this, but it goes without saying to avoid strangers, especially ones offering you a ride in the middle of nowhere.

The passenger side door opens and you blink up to see a guy about a year younger than you. The fading sunlight reflects in his amber eyes. He looks familiar and you realize why. He goes to your school. You're pretty sure he's only a freshman, but you sometimes see him hanging out with a guy in your grade.

"Anybody home?"


Your face flushes when you realize he asked you a question.

"I said do you need a ride? Seems like you've got your hands full."

You look down at everything in your hands. You've been working on a difficult project for school. You're probably overdoing it, but since your dad died, your mother has been melding you into her own image. Perfect daughter, perfect grades, perfect everything. Lately, you've been trying to break away from that, but it's like being perfect was the only thing you were made to do.

Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't have accepted a ride from these two, but one thought makes you nod "yes." Your mother would hate for you to accept a ride from anyone, especially if she knew who these two were. They're often seen causing trouble all over town. The only ones who never find it funny are the adults, but even younger adults appreciate the source of amusement.

"Alright. Just this once, though."

You shift the items in your arms and try to find a way to climb up into the truck.

"C'mon Gabe, help her with her stuff."

"Oh, right." The younger of the two turns to you again. "Let me take some of that for you."

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