Cooking Ft. The Winchesters

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Had this idea cause I was actually eating this super good meal that my super awesome parents made me and I love them cause they're great but anyways the point is, I got the idea because my dinner reminded me of Season 11 episode 12 Don't You Forget About Me when the boys went and visited Jody, Alex, and Claire. And like, they were eating dinner together or whatever and her food was super great and so yeh... Pls enjoy.

You gracefully pad around the kitchen, pouring ingredients into bowls and stirring things. The boys were gone on a hunt, so you decided to make something for them. You had never really tried your hand at it other than the cooking you had to do as a child, which was very little since Dean would always insist on taking care of it as the big brother.

One earbud is in your left ear but you keep your right ear clear so you can hear if anything goes wrong. You have a bit of flour on your cheeks, covering the red flush from the heat. You hum along to the song, tapping your foot occasionally. This is going to be great. You need it to be perfect, for your brothers, for Cas even though he wouldn't eat any. Everything needs to be perfect.

So far, things were going alright. You had gone for meatloaf because holy shit, when was the last time any of you had that? You had been Sam's age at the time of your mother's death, so you never got any of the meatloaf Dean mentioned once, and you figured he hadn't had any in years either. You also decided to go farther out and add some healthier foods to the meal because Sam would complain otherwise, no doubt about it. You figured corn would be enough to satisfy him, but you added mashed potatoes because they may be a carb, but at least potatoes are vegetables. And just because you felt like going that extra mile, you found a recipe for chocolate pie online and decided to bake one.

But that's when things started going to shit. When you were scrolling through your song selection, smoke wafted up to the ceiling and set off the smoke alarm. You curse and throw your phone down on the counter, ripping your earbud out in the process. You pull out the meatloaf to find it very slightly singed. You exhale in relief. It's still good. You set out the meatloaf to cool, vowing to watch over your food more carefully.

And that was when water started boiling over.


You rush over to save the potatoes but your hand meets the scalding hot water, sending you reeling back.

"Son of a bitch."

You reach over with your other hand and turn off the stovetop, ignoring the tears welling in your eyes as the bubbles subside.

"Well, the potatoes are done..."

And that's when the bowl of ingredients falls off the counter, splatting on the floor. Egg and butter run towards your feet, gathering in a sticky pool on top of them. Dry ingredients that you didn't get to finish stirring are scattered everywhere, even on your shirt and face. Tears run down your face without notice, smearing the tiny bit of makeup you decided to wear today.


You kneel down and try to gather the goop in your hands, crying harder as it slides through your fingers. The food is sitting on the counter, mostly okay except for the the slightly singed edges of the meatloaf, but still you feel like a failure. This is what happens when you try to do something. You fuck it up. You give up trying to pick up the egg and butter and instead clutch your throat, bending down to sob.


You didn't even hear them walk in. You sit up straighter, trying to hide your shaking shoulders.

"Oh, hey guys."

"What happened?"

You bite your lip, trying to keep a quiet cry from slipping out. A warm hand touches your shoulder hesitantly.

"Are you okay?"


You turn to Sam and he immediately notices what a mess you are.

"I just wanted to make something for you guys. It was supposed to be perfect. And I fucked it up... I-"

You sniff lightly, wiping your hands to remove the gunk from them.

"Actually, that looks pretty damn good," Dean says, checking out the meatloaf on the counter.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better. And look at this mess I made!" You gesture at the dry and wet ingredients littering the floor. "I thought it was going good, but then I stopped to change the song I was listening to and the meatloaf got a little burnt and the potatoes boiled over and I hurt my hand..."

You pause to show them your red hand, already covered with awful blisters.

"And the corn was okay but then when I was taking care of the potatoes so I could mash them the ingredients for dessert fell." You sniff again, this time louder. "I was trying to make pie for Dean but I fucked that up too."

"Sweetheart, it's okay."

"No, it's not! I burnt the food and made a mess! It was supposed to be perfect."

"You keep saying that, but why did it need to be perfect?"

Now both boys are kneeling down, trying to comfort you.

"I felt like I needed to do something for you. You guys work so hard and never get paid or a thank you, and you're heroes and I love you to pieces and I just needed this to be perfect for you. I needed to do something for you."

"You've done so much for us just by being here."

The words make you look up, slightly surprised.

"I thought I just get in the way."

"No! We love you, and we don't need some big dinner to show that you love us, too."

The words bring renewed tears to your eyes. Their strong arms embrace you in a hug that only siblings can share, pulling you close, showing you a million unspoken truths, unspoken feelings. And you realize just because it's not spoken outright, it's true and everyone knows it.

"Now, what do you say we clean up, finish the food, and get eating? I'm starving."

Dean wipes your last year away and smiles at the small grin appearing on your face.

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