Save Myself - Dean x Reader

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Dean began packing a bag as soon as everyone in the bunker was asleep. It's now two in the morning, and he has most of what he figures he'll need. Now, he is watching you sleep. Your chest falls up and down, up and down. He's been thinking about leaving for a while. You're the only thing that was holding him back. But he just can't stand it anymore. He has to leave. Has to.

You stir in bed as he covers you with his old leather jacket. He knows you love that thing. On second thought, he scratches out a note for you at the last second. At first he isn't sure where to put it, so he drops it on his pillow. But then he picks it up and carefully places it in the pocket of his leather jacket.

I gave all my oxygen to people that could breathe
I gave away my money and now we don't even speak
I drove miles and miles, but would you do the same for me?
Oh, honestly?

Sneaking out is probably easier than he thinks it is, but he's careful anyways. Once he gets all of his clothing and money, he has to decide what next. He'll need weapons, but he doesn't want to take more than he'll need. Finally, he grabs the things he'll need most. As an afterthought, grabs the grenade launcher. An image appears in his head. Grinning as he finally has an excuse to use it. Sammy shaking his head but trying to hold back a smile. And you, your face lit up in awe. He almost decides to call everything off and go back to bed. But he can't. So he smiles instead and moves on to the next decision.

Offered off my shoulder just for you to cry upon
Gave you constant shelter and a bed to keep you warm
They gave me the heartache, and in return I gave a song
It goes on and on

Everyone had left him. Some of them more than once.

Is it my fault?

The Impala. Keep it, or leave it? He'd been through so much with her. She's the only one that never left. Biting his lip, he puts the keys in the ignition, listening to her engine run. He can't leave her. Not now.

Life can get you down so I just numb the way it feels
I drown it with a drink and out-of-date prescription pills
And all the ones that love me, they just left me on the shelf
No farewell
So before I save someone else, I've got to save myself

Once he is outside, he feels the need to stop, one more time. He knew he'd be back. Dean needs them more than they need him. But he was going to stay away as long as he could. He steps out of the car, leaving her running as he stares back at the bunker.

So before I save someone else, I've got to save myself


He has to turn his head only slightly to spot you, running outside in your shorts, tank top, and his leather jacket. The note is clenched in your hand, one word etched into it.


He nods slightly and you look at the note again.


Your voice is almost so quiet he doesn't hear it. But he does. And he hears all the pain in the word. But he just can't anymore. Sam is outside in the next second, standing behind you, watching his older brother with a confused and then sad expression. But he doesn't even try to stop Dean. No.

So before I blame someone else, I've got to save myself

You both watch as Dean gets back into the driver's seat and pulls away from the bunker.

So before I love someone else, I've got to love myself.

Eek. That wasn't great. I'm just trying to push out more stuff to make up for lack of updates. Hope you enjoyed anyways.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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