Destiel School AU

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K so this is like the high school AU's but it's in middle school.

Cas sits at a wooden desk, a pad of paper in front of him. The sound of a pencil scratching against paper is the only sound in the room until the next song begins playing on Cas' iPod.

On his side of the room, there is a tidily made bed with a nice blue bedspread. The off-white color pillow is directly in the middle near the head post.

On the other side of the room, there is a messy bed with a red bedspread. Socks are littered around the bed and candy wrappers over flow out of a trash bin nearby. There are multiple questionable stains from only God knows what.

Suddenly, without warning, the door slams open and in comes Cas' older brother, Lucifer.

"Hey bro, whatcha doing?"

The blond reaches over Cas' head and grabs the pad from him.

"Lucifer, give it back!"

Lucifer ignores his brother and walks over to the other side of the room.

"Awe, I didn't know you were an artist!"


Cas runs over and jumps up and down in an attempt to get his drawing pad back.

"Calm down bro, I'm just looking."

The drawing Cas had been working on was of another boy his age. He moved in last night. Cas doesn't yet know his name, and is too shy to ask anyways. The brown-haired boy has been sitting on a tree branch not too far from Cas' window. He hasn't moved for about an hour, giving Cas the chance to sketch him. He has his features down perfectly and he is just making they eyes seem more life-like, and then he'll be done.

Lucifer raises an eyebrow at the drawing.

"Stalker much?"

"Lucifer, please!"

"I'm just kidding, it's actually really good."

And it is. Cas looks up at his brother.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah. In fact, I'm gonna show everyone!"

"Wait, no!"

Lucifer runs out of the room with the drawing, Cas chasing after him.

"Lucifer, you ass, give it back!"

"Watch your tone with me!" Lucifer replies, running down the hallway. Cas trips and almost falls into Gabriel.

"Woah Cassie, what's up?"

"Lucifer is home."


Gabriel starts chasing Lucifer as well. The two younger boys follow Lucifer throughout the house until they make it to the kitchen, where their father, Chuck, is standing with his morning coffee. Lucifer, almost running into his father, comes to a halt. Cas skids into Lucifer and Gabriel runs into Cas, causing them to collide with Chuck and spill his coffee all over his robe.

Chuck sighs and looks down at his blue robe, now stained with brown.

"Sorry Dad, I just wanted to show you something, I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, Lucifer. Just, let me go change."

He walks around his sons and to the doorway but stops.

"Oh, and son?"

"Yeah, Dad?"

"I'm glad you're home."

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