More Destiel

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I ship Destiel so much, I had to do this.

Dean patted his younger brother's back.

"I'll pick you up after school, Sammy."

"When is Dad coming back?"

"Soon, Sammy. I promise. Now get to class."

He rubbed Sam's head affectionately. Sam scowled up at his older brother but the hint of a smile appeared a second later.

"See ya, Dean."

Dean watched his brother run down the hallway to his locker and finally set off to his own locker. Girls greeted him with smiles, some of them shy, some flirtatious. Jo smirked at him.

"Hey, Dean."

They had only just arrived at the school a few days ago and already girls were flocking to him. Everyone already knew his name. It didn't surprise him though. That's how it always was.

A brunette stared at him from nearby. He met her blue eyes and winked, causing her cheeks to turn red.

"How ya doin', sweetheart?"

Her face turned even more red and her friend almost squealed. Dean moved on, finally stopping at his locker. He did like the girls. But he liked guys far more. Not that anyone could know this information. The only one who knew was Sam, and that was only because Sam has figured it out himself.

He still remembered the way Sam had smiled in relief. That was the day Sam had came out to Dean as pansexual as well. To be honest, he was glad to be able to get that off his chest. If anyone had to know, he wanted it to be Sam.

Someone cleared their throat and Dean looked up. It looked to be another student, but he wasn't wearing what you might normally see on another teenager. A suit and a trench coat, even a blue tie. Despite the strangeness of the outfit, Dean's heart skipped a beat. He was... he was hot. Dean's usual cockiness disappeared and he was at a loss for words.

The student stared back at him, the ghost of a smile appearing on his face.

"Hello. I've never seen you here before."

Dean's eyes lingered on the boy's lips before darting back up to his bright blue eyes.

"I'm new. Me and my brother just moved here. Er, for a little bit. We'll probably leave soon."

Dean stumbled through his words, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. The boy tilted his head.

"That's a shame. I'd like to get to know you either way."

Dean smiled at him and shut his locker.

"I'm Dean Winchester. You are?"

"Castiel Novak. My parents were kind of religious."

He shrugged, looking Dean up and down.

"Novak? You got any siblings?"

"Several. There's Anna, she's that red-haired girl over there."

Cas pointed to a girl across the room who was talking to Jo.

"My older brothers, Michael, Lucifer, and Raphael. They're all in college now, I expect. Except maybe Lucifer. He never really liked Dad's plan."

Dean looked at Cas and scrunched his eyebrows together.

"You mean you don't know?"

Cas leaned against the locker, longing in his eyes.

"I have not seen them in a very long time."

sThe sudden urge to hug Cas took over Dean, but he refrained from doing so.

"Anyways, there's also my younger brother. His name is Gabriel."

A smile tugged at Cas' lips.

"I know him. Sam won't stop talking about him. Apparently, they really hit it off."

Dean smiled, finally relaxing into the conversation.


"He's my little brother. Long hair, shorter than me for now. Major nerd, probably carrying about ten books in his backpack."

Cas nodded.

"I think I saw him this morning."

The minute bell rang, causing Dean to look up. Normally, Dean wouldn't have cared. And he gladly would have stayed to talk to this boy forever if Cas didn't look at him earnestly.

"I think that is your bell. You may want to get to class."

"Y-yeah. Hey, see ya Cas!"

Dean hurried to stick his pocket knife in his pocket and walked around Cas. Cas watched as he ran down the hall.


"Cas?" Dean called, looking around the hall. He turned his head to look everywhere and finally saw Cas in a spot he thought he had already checked. "Cas! Hey, I was hoping we could eat together?"

Cas smiled at him warmly.

"I would love to eat, Dean. But I can't. I will sit with you though."

Something nagged at the back of Dean's mind but he brushed it off. Dean ate some kind of sandwich and chugged his carton of milk.

"So, Cas. How's life?"

"Could be better," he answered, his mouth lifting up in a humored smile.

"Yeah, mine too."

Cas studied him as he balled up his trash and threw it in the nearest trash bin. A few rambunctious kids ran past them and then by them again, throwing a basketball around. Dean's eyes followed the path of the ball as it sailed through the air, but Cas' eyes were on Dean. Taking in the freckles on his face, his green eyes. Cas sighed. He had never talked to anyone, not since his death years ago. Finally he had found someone.

Dean turned his head forward. He opened his mouth to say something else when the ball soared toward his face. Cas' eyes widened a fraction and he quickly reached his hand to catch the ball. It stopped inches away from Dean's face. Dean sighed in relief. He turned his head to thank Cas when he saw the looks on the guys faces.


"You just made that ball stop with your mind??"


Dean looked at Cas. Cas smiled sadly and disappeared. Dean looked back at the guys and tried to smile.

"Uh, yeah."



Cas appeared in front of him.


"Cas, what is going on?"

Cas sighed and sat on a bench. Dean did the same thing, sighing.

"Some years ago, I was killed. It was an accident. Gabe and Luci were messing around, I don't remember exactly how. It's a bit fuzzy. I got knocked into the road and ran over by an oncoming car. They blame themselves. I know they do. I've seen Gabriel walking around with it since it happened. I see the pain there. I wish I could tell them it's not their fault."

He tilts his head back and tears form in his eyes.

"You're a ghost?"

"I couldn't leave. So I stayed."

"Well..." Dean looked at Cas with this new knowledge in mind. "How come only I can see you? Can't you let him see you, too?"

Cas looked down at these words and back up at Dean.

"I don't know if I'm ready to see him again. To talk to him."

His voice cracked.

"I'll be there with you Cas. The whole time."

Cas reached out his hand and took Dean's. Cas' hand didn't feel solid, but he still seemed to be holding it.

"Thank you, Dean."

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