A Fun Day in the Life of Y/n

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Eek, I know some people have different birthdays but just pretend your birthday is between like the end of Spring and the middle of Summer.

It's been a little over a year since that night, and you're surprisingly okay. More than okay, it turns out.

"C'mon, we have to hurry!" You shout, jumping up and down like an excitable child.


"Because I said so."

Dean rolls his eyes and turns. As you're walking away, you hear him doing a frustratingly good impression of you.

"No beer for you!" You yell over your shoulder, trotting into the next room before he can protest.

Sam is busy packing a picnic basket, (yes, a picnic basket), with sandwiches, your camera, and a few other things. The two angels won't eat anything except for Gabe who would only be interested in shit like candy anyways. You nod approvingly at Sam as he organizes it all even though it will probably be messed up on the way there. You fix your flannel a bit and tap your foot impatiently as you wait for the brothers to finish with the preparations.

You had decided to move in with them permanently. Well, a large part of it was your decision. But a large part of it was also the boys. The family had grown from two hunters, an angel, and his brother to three hunters, an angel, and his brother. You wanted to stay, and the boys wanted you to stay, too. So here you were.

"Calm down, we're coming."

Dean walks in with a pack of beer and you frown.

"You think that'll be enough?"

Before he can answer you pick up another three packages and carry them outside. The boys gape as you seemingly carry the packs out with ease. But as soon as you're out of sight, you drop them on the ground and pant.

Note to self. Never do that again.

By the time the boys pick their jaws up off of the ground you have the beers safely in the car and you're leaning against it, pretending you didn't just almost die.

You shot each of your angel friends a prayer when you woke up this morning, asking them to meet you at your destination. You expect they'll both be there since your prayer was something along the lines of "please come to this picnic or else I'll kick your feathery angel asses."

Dean grudgingly let's you drive Baby to where you want to go since you refuse to tell them anything about it. You drive slowly to reassure Dean that no, you were not going to crash his prized car.

Once you were about a mile from where you needed to be, you parked Baby where she wouldn't be seen and got out.

"Where the hell are we?"

You don't answer and grab only two packs of beer this time, letting Dean carry the other two and Sam carry the picnic basket and blanket. You push through some bushes, shushing Dean as he complains about being scratched by tree branches.

Finally, the scathing tree branches begin to clear out and you step into a beautiful clearing. Sam inhales sharply at the sight.


You take in everything. Beautiful green grass, flowers and birds everywhere. Bees and butterflies flying around lazily, enjoying the sun. Trees surround the clearing but if you look up, you can see the deep blue sky, clouds floating here and there.

"How did you find this?"

"Solo hunt," you reply, taking the blanket and spreading it out. To your surprise, Dean doesn't say anything about how you weren't supposed to be hunting alone in the first place. He just sets down his beer next to yours and stares around at everything.

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