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Three men stand in front of a smallish house, arguing over who's going to knock on the door.

"It's your friend's dog, you knock on the door!"

"Why does it even matter?"

"If both of you two are just going to argue, I will knock."

"No, he's right. I'll knock."

Jared knocks on the door quietly, listening for footsteps.

"Is she coming?"

"Let me knock," Jensen says in exasperation, knocking on the door harder.

Still, no one answers. Misha cracks his knuckles.

"Let me knock."

He bangs his fist against the door, and for good measure, rings the doorbell. Still, no one approaches the door.

Jared uncrosses his arms, peering at the door with concern.

"You think she's okay?"

"Probably," Jensen answers, glancing at his watch. "C'mon, they're expecting us back soon."

"Just wait a minute," Misha replies patiently.

Just then, a loud shout escapes the house.

"Gabriel, get off the counter damnit! If you eat that chocolate you will fucking die!"

A dog barks in reply and a thumping sound follows.

"Cas? Cas, stop humping Dean! You can't do that!"

Jensen looks uncomfortable but Misha chuckles. Jared, still looking mildly concerned, knocks on the door again. This starts up a bout of extremely loud barking, including what Jared recognizes as the bark of his friend's dog.

"Sam! Sammy, sit! No-"

A loud crash sounds from inside and then someone groans.

"Damnit Sam, can't you just listen, please?"

The voice sounds near to tears and all the barking quiets down.

"Alright, alright. I get it, you're sorry. Guys, stop licking me!"

Laughter escapes through the cracked window.

"Okay, I'll give you all treats if you go to the living room!"

The scratching of paw pads on hardwood floor is heard before everything quiets down.

"Okay (Y/n), all you have to do is answer the door. If they have a dog, they must be pretty nice, right?"

Misha looks at his friends.

"You think she'll be happy to see us?"

Before either can answer, the door opens and a pretty young woman looks down at her feet.

"I'm so sorry, I was dealing with my dogs."

"No, it's fine," Jared assures her.

"You know, I couldn't help but notice your dogs' names," Misha butts in, trying to move to the front of the group.

A smile lights up her face as she looks up.

"Oh, you're fans-"

The smile quickly disappears and is replaced by a look of terror.

"Shit. Oh my god. You- I mean-" She takes a step back. "Um, do you wanna come in?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice," Jared smiles, already walking in.

"Remember, we're on the clock," Jensen says, following his friend. The young woman is still gaping at the visitors.

"Did we surprise you? Sorry, we didn't know you'd be-"

"A fan? Yeah, it's totally fine, it's not your fault. I just..."

She runs a hand through her hair self-consciously. 

"If I would've known it was you, I would've done something to my hair or at least gotten dressed," she mutters, looking down at her tank top and pajama shorts.

"You're totally fine, no need to be so worked up. We're people just like everyone else."

She nods as if this is the most sensible thing she's ever heard.

"Right, yeah, of course. Why don't you make yourself comfortable? Careful, the dogs are sitting on one of the couches."

She follows Misha into the living room, willing the redness in her cheeks to fade away. It doesn't.

Jared is already on the couch opposite from your dogs, looking at all the evidence of how big of a fan you are. The TV was paused on one of your favorite episodes, Changing Channels. Your Supernatural blanket is balled up next to him because you had been using it when they knocked. Your phone, complete with a Supernatural phone case is laying on the coffee table, but the biggest piece of evidence of all is sitting on the couch directly across from him.

"Sorry about the wait."

"It's really fine," Jared insists as you flick off the TV and sit next to your dogs.

"These dogs really are a handful."

"Obviously," Misha chuckles, letting Dean sniff his hand.

"They really like visitors."

Sam flops own on top of Jensen, wagging his tail.

"Once again, that much is obvious," Jensen says, smiling and petting Sam a little.

The dog you had found runs into the room, jumping on top of Jared.

"She's been very well behaved. Whose is she?" You ask, petting her head.

"She belongs to my friend. I'm really glad you found her. He was pretty worried."

"Well, I'm always glad to help out. It's kind of my thing," you chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Misha asks, directing his attention away from the dogs.

"Well, I really like standing up for human rights, advocating for the LGBT+ community, and stuff like that. I also just really love making people smile and laugh. Gives me such a wonderful feeling. You'd understand, wouldn't you? You do it daily."

"Yeah, yeah," Misha nods, looking thoughtful.

You study his face.


"Do you like acting?"

Well that was sudden. Why would he... oh my god. But that's impossible. Isn't it?

"Uh, yeah! It always sounded like a lot of fun. I used to join the school plays, but I never actually went into acting. I decided to study psychology instead."

The three men look at each and shrug simultaneously.

"How would you like to try out for the role of a huntress we're bringing into the show? It won't be a huge role unless she becomes a fan favorite, but-"

"Holy shit, are you proposing what I think you are proposing?"

"Now, we can't promise you'll get the role, but we'll make sure you at least are considered-"

"Oh my god thank you! Yes, a million times yes!" You shout, standing up abruptly to hug them.

I'm so glad I got out of bed this morning.

Alright I know, it sucks, I'm barely updating at all, but listen, in trying, so please bare with me.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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