Destiel Wedding

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I just read a Destiel fanfiction that was really good and I was inspired to write this. If you were wondering what it is called, it is called Online and it's by @officialcastiel . You really need to read it because it's amazing. Also, there is a sequel and it's about Sabriel so you should read that too. It's called Offline. Read it pls.

"Do I look okay?" Dean asks, his eyes dancing with excitement and nervousness. You and Charlie study his appearance. He is wearing a tuxedo with a tie that makes his eyes pop. He looks fancy and casual at the same time. His hair is nice, yet messy. It is the perfect combination of sophisticated and casual.

"Perfect!" You and Charlie say together, giggling. He smiles and fixes his tie.

"You two don't look half bad yourselves," Dean says. You and Charlie both blush, looking down at your beautifully designed dresses.

"Thank you."

You both seat yourselves next to Gabriel and Sam. Sam is currently looking at Gabriel when he isn't looking, and Gabriel is looking at Sam when he looks away. You and Charlie roll your eyes.

"We've got one ship together. Now we have to get the other one together."

You fist bump each other and look back to the front. You are sitting in the front row, along with Jo, Ellen, Lucifer, Bobby, Balthazar, Crowley, Kevin, Jody, Garth, and a few others. The crowd isn't very big, as Dean and Cas wanted a simplistic wedding, and besides, who else would be invited anyways? Lucifer, Crowley, and Balthazar were invited upon your demand, as you didn't want them to miss out on this magical moment, even if they were dicks sometimes.

Suddenly, the chatter dies down and everyone looks to the front, where Dean and Cas are standing, staring into each other's eyes. Chuck is standing up there with them, because who better to wed them than God himself?

He says everything that has to be said at weddings, and the two lovebirds make their vows, which are beautiful and even better than the originals.

"Castiel, I knew from the moment I saw you there was something about you. It was like a spark. Small, but still there. I didn't know it then. That the little spark inside would grow into this roaring fire."

"But it has. And I was scared. I couldn't go through it again. I was scared to love you. But we made it. We've made it this far."

He gulps and takes the ring himself.

"Be my angel?"

Cas takes the other ring.

"As long as you'll be my hunter."

Tears glisten in your eyes and a few fall to the ground below. They take turns sliding the ring on each other's fingers.

Chuck smiles.

"I now pronounce you husband and... Well, husband!"

Cheers erupt from the people around you as Cas and Dean hold each other and kiss. Even more tears are shed, and not just from you. Even Crowley sniffs a few times, though he tries not to let anyone notice.

You, Charlie, and Sam cling to each other in tears.

"Our OTP!"

Everyone moves to the front to congratulate the happy couple.

"I'm proud of you, boy," Bobby says, clapping Dean on the shoulder. He smiles appreciatively. Sam hugs him tightly.

"I knew you two would get together one way or another."

You and Charlie congratulate Dean, and then move over to Cas, who is crowded by his brothers and his father.

"I can't believe you married that twat. Oh well, I can tell he makes you happy," Balthazar says, sipping some of his wine which he always has.

"I can't believe you got married before me," Gabriel grumbles but smiles playfully.

"I know we aren't on the best terms right now brother, but I am happy for you. Even if I disapprove of your choice," Lucifer says, eyeing the eldest Winchester coldly. Castiel smiles happily as you and Charlie hug and congratulate him as well.

"Oh Cas, you look so handsome!"

His cheeks turn a rosy shade of pink and he almost looks like he is glowing.

"Thank you."

A honey bee buzzes along happily and lands on his nose. He looks at it with crossed eyes and you laugh quietly.

As Dean walks up, it flies away, joining another group of bees heading toward a flower field not far away. Dean frowns at Cas.

"Something isn't right."

Cas looks down at himself. You look at him in confusion.

"What is it?"

He reaches for Cas' ties and turns it around.


"Well, you guys know what happens next!" You say, a smile back on your face. Everyone looks at you in confusion.

"Pictures!" You shout, pulling out your camera.

After pictures, you all go to the bunker for the reception. It's amazing. After everyone is settled and the music is playing in the background, you go to get the cake to find both Lucifer and Gabriel have eaten almost half of it.

"Gabriel and Lucifer, you little shits! Get your asses out of this room right this very instant!"

You shake your head at them as they pass by you.

"And no more cake for you tonight!"

"But (Y/n)!" They whine, reminding you of five year old children.

"No buts!"

They sulk out of the room.

You push what is left of the cake out to Cas and Dean.

"This used to be a lot bigger but someone decided to eat half of it."

You glare pointedly at Gabe and Luci and they smile sheepishly. It ends up being fine. Dean gets a good-sized piece of cake and smashes it in Cas' face. He doesn't react for a moment.

"Cmon Cas, smash his face in it!" Gabe shouts. And he does. He smashes Dean's face into the whole thing. The entire cake is basically ruined, but nobody seems to care, as Dean and Cas are both laughing and smiling, twinkles in their eyes.

Next you decide to put on a few choice songs. You and Charlie are smashed. In your drunken state, you both decide on the perfect song to play.

And IIIIIIIIIIIII, will always love youuuuuuuu!

You and Charlie and scream out the lyrics while Balthazar shakes his head at you. Next, you do end up putting on a more appropriate song after taking time to sober up a little.

One thing,
To do,
Three words,
For you,
I love you ~

At one point Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis Presley comes on and you, Sam and Charlie all hug each other and cry as Dean and Cas dance together.

You dance the rest of the night away. Gabriel flirts with Sam in the corner. Dean and Cas dance together in the center of the room. Lucifer follows you around, unsure of what he is supposed to do now that the cake is gone. You shoo him away to talk to Charlie, who isn't exactly how to talk to him either, since he is Satan. Balthazar stays near the back, sipping his wine happily, and Garth, Bobby, Jo, Ellen, Crowley, Kevin, and Jody chat with each other and watch the happy couple.

You sigh contentedly. You can't wait for the Sabriel wedding.

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