Black Friday

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"C'mon boys, into the impala!"

You herd the boys outside.

"(Y/n), what are we doing?"

"You'll see."

"It's midnight. Where are we going at midnight?"

"Somewhere," you answer curtly, pushing Sam into the back seat. Dean gets in and Cas squishes in as well. You sit in the drivers seat and Gabriel takes the passenger side.

The car pulls out into the dark night, but it's far from silent. As you get closer to town, the sound of arguing people floats towards your ears.

"What's that noise?" Gabriel asks with a slightly terrified look.

"It's the sound of Black Friday."

You park the car at a parking spot in the very back.

"Everybody out."

The boys follow you towards the store. Trash is scattered everywhere. Many people have sleeping bags, tents, or both. One person even has a campfire going. You grab a cart and head to the back of the line, them following you. You set up a few folding chairs and pull on your gloves. The boys sit down but Dean gives up his chair for Sam. He decides to lean against the side of the building instead. You sit in Gabriel's lap and he doesn't complain.

"Wake me up when the store opens."



You open one eye.

"Is it open yet?"

"It's about to be."

You stretch out a little.



You look up to see a blond-haired man- no, Archangel.


"Yep, I came. Not because you asked though."

His gaze wanders over to Sam.

"I see what you mean," you reply, wiggling your eyebrows.

"Shut up," he says, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

Just then, screams erupt from the crowd and everyone charges in.

"Let's go."

You walk into the store to see people already fighting over things. One woman bites the arm of a man and takes the coffee maker out of his hand. Lines are already backed up all over the store. You plunge into the crowd bravely.

Hours later, you emerge, your hair crazy. You have a cart full of objects that would normally be very expensive. Some stuff you didn't even know you grabbed, but it's there.

Gabriel grabs a box off the shelf. It's the last one there. He pauses to admire it happily when a hand reaches over and grabs it.

"I want that."

Gabriel turns to see his brother, Lucifer.

"No way. I had it first."

Gabriel pulls on it. Lucifer pulls back. It turns into a game of tug-of-war. The two brothers shout at each other with ferocity unlike anything anyone's ever heard.



The two brothers are tugging and arguing if when Castiel walks up to them.

"Guys, guys, stop arguing."

The two look up at the younger angel.

"It's mine."

Cas snatches the box and runs away.

"Hey, get back here!"

The two brothers chase after the younger angel.

Meanwhile, Sam and Dean are also arguing over something they very obviously don't need.




"Oh, excuse me!" Dean replies sarcastically.

In the end, you all go back to the bunker with way more stuff than you need. Lucifer comes with you because why not.


Dean walks into the library the next morning to see Gabriel and Sam sitting at the table, messing with a new coffee maker. Gabriel and Sam have extremely messy hair. (You can probably guess from what. If you can't, I'll give you a hint. It was something they did very late at night and they were very loud.)

"Oh, it's Mr. Big Shot. 'I fuck two Archangels.'"

Gabriel looks up at Sam.

"What? Two?"

Sam's eyes widen.

"Oh shit."

Dean backs out of the room slowly.


"I, umm..."


Lucifer walks in.

"Hey Sammy, you wanna..." he trails off as he sees his brother angrily standing over Sam, who is laying on the floor, breathing heavily. "I'm gonna go."

With that, Lucifer disappears.

That night, let's just say there were more than two people in bed together. (Yes, I'm implying what you think I'm implying.)

The End.

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