Control - Deanmon x Reader

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Just a warning, there is some violence and hinting at death at the very end, so... Yeh. I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

Song: Control by Halsey

They sent me away to find them a fortune, a chest filled with diamonds and gold

"Oh (Y/n), come out come out wherever you are!"

Your chest heaves and you don't answer as his voice echoes throughout the bunker. Your footsteps echo throughout the halls as you run across the hall, looking for anywhere to hide.

The house was awake with shadows and monsters
The hallways, they echoed and groaned

A tear slides your cheek as you pad down hallways. The echoing of his footsteps follows you. You keep looking behind you to make sure he isn't behind you. Every time, he isn't. But he sounds so close.

"Come on baby, the sooner you come out, the sooner we can get it over with," his lilting voice taunts you. You cast your gaze around, desperately searching for anywhere you could run. The only place left to go is his bedroom.

You enter as quietly as possible, but the sound of the door snapping shut still seems 1000 times too loud.

You sink into his bed warily. There is nothing else you can do. Tears of despair trail down your face as the doorknob slowly turns.

I sat alone in bed till the morning
I'm crying "They're coming for me!"
I tried to hold the secrets inside me,
My mind's like a deadly disease

"Hey sweetheart, I was wondering when you'd finally give up."

You subconsciously wrap your arms around yourself, as if it would help anything. He smirks and walks closer. You don't make any move to run away or try to escape. He sits down next to you.

"How you holding up sweetie? Let me guess. Not so great?"

Tears leak out of your eyes. This is it. You're going to die at the hands of the one you love.

"Dean..." you sigh weakly. He smiles and his eyes flick black. You look at him and another tear slips out of your eye. His eyes flick back to their normal green color.

He messes with the hammer in his hands. You aren't quite sure what to say. You can't call out for a help. Even if Sam hears you, it will be too late.

"Well, I think you know what comes next. Bye (Y/n)."

You duck as the hammer swings at your face. Suddenly, the desire to live is back. Your heart is pounding again. Adrenaline fills your body.

Strong arms wrap around your waist.

"Woah, not so fast."

You push at his arms but they won't move. You're trapped.

"Dean, please."

His eyes flick black again.

"I told you to let me go." "SAM!" You scream. You try to shout again but his hand covers your mouth, muffling your voice. You get your arm free and slap his face.

He lets go of you, not because you hurt him, but because he's surprised. To be honest, so are you. You stand gaping at him for a minute. His eyes look up to meet yours.

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