Lost Memories [P.1]

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You heave the basket to the counter, sighing as soon as the weight is gone.

"Holy crap, that's heavy," you mumble, rubbing at the red marks on your hand.

"Will that be all today ma'm?" The cashier asks, suppressing laughter.

"Hm? Oh, yeah," you reply absentmindedly, watching the people passing by.

A few ordinary looking people walk around you, but there is one person that catches your eye.

"That'll be..." The man pushes a few buttons on the cash register. "$55.79."

You smack the money down on the counter, already taking all the beading materials.

"Keep the change."

You rush to catch up with the man, trying not to drop your bags at the same time.

"Excuse me? Sir?"

He continues walking, but he's walking considerably slowly, so you are able to catch up after a second.

"Sir, could you just-"

You cut off, pulling in breath. He finally looks at you, his expression changing a little as he studies your face. The redness in your cheeks fades as you get enough air to stand upright again.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help but notice your eyes."

"My eyes?" He asks, helping you pick up a few of your bags.

"Yeah. They're so beautiful," you explain as he follows you towards your car. "And I noticed that I just bought some beads that match your eyes perfectly."

You pop open the trunk and set down all the bags.

"Just a sec..."

You rummage through them, looking for the beads.

"These ones!"

You smile, holding them up.

"Those are very beautiful beads," he agrees, smiling as you turn your back to put them away.

"Hey Cas, we gotta go!"

You turn at the sound of a familiar voice and smile happily.

"Dean! Long time, no see!"

"Too long, sweetheart. How's business been at the diner?"

"Not bad. Still getting as many customers as ever. You'll have to come over and have some pie to see if it's still as good as it was last time."

He smiles, stopping beside Cas.

"Sure, we'll stop by tonight."

You smile even wider if that's possible.

"Great! Same spot as always, right?"

He nods, noticing the bags full of beads.

"I never knew you were so into that kind of stuff."

"Oh, it's pretty fun. I got into it after I saw you last time," you reply, slamming the trunk. "Before you go, how's Sammy? Doin' alright?"

"As good as he could be doing, I guess. You'll see him tonight."

"Awesome. See you guys then."

You nod in farewell, and once you're seated in the front seat, you watch them leave in your rearview mirror.

Car ride to motel...

Dean stares straight ahead at the road, fighting the urge to cry.

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