Titanic - Balthazar x Reader

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I just watched Titanic with my cousin and my sister and I'm not ashamed to say that I cried and I was on the verge of tears about ten times but every time they played that Celine Dion song, I would be about to cry, and then I would just think of Balthazar. So now I'm writing this. Enjoy. 

A bowl of popcorn lays on the floor, long forgotten. Music swells from the speakers on the television. Tears make your eyes burn. You've seen this movie before. You know exactly what happens. But every time, you find tears streaming down your face by the end of the film.

You sniffle and wipe at a few tears that are already rolling down your face. Sounds of distress escape your mouth.


"(Y/n), whatever is the matter? I've been hearing-"

Balthazar walks in and looks away in disgust when he sees the film you are watching.

"Really? You had to watch this?"

You nod, sniffling again.

"It's so sad!"

"What's sad is that people actually think this is a good movie."

"Balthazar! Be quiet!"

Faces of crying children and distressed couples flit across the screen. People saying their goodbye's, screaming, or just giving up. But not Jack and Rose. As they fight to find each other, tears keep streaking down your face. Your shoulders shake slightly and Balthazar, seeing this, rolls his eyes.

"Oh, really now. You're crying? Why are you crying? Come on."

You turn around to look at him and pat the seat next to you.

"Sit with me? Please?"

"Oh no, I am not sitting down to watch this stupid movie with..." he trails off as you stick out your bottom lip a little.

"Oh, fine then. But you owe me."

He settles down next to you and looks at the screen. But every so often, his eyes slide over to look at you. Pretty soon, he isn't even paying attention to the movie, he's just looking at you as emotions play out on your face and tears trail from your eyes.

He reaches out and wipes away a tear with his finger, causing you to look away from the movie.

"Please stop crying. Not because you don't look beautiful, you always do. But I just hate to see you sad."

You smile at him.

"Bal, I'm fine. But thank you for caring."

You place your hand on his face and look into his eyes. Light from the TV reflects from them. He leans in closer and so do you, and soon, you are kissing. As you are, the credits start rolling and the Celine Dion song bursts out of the TV, causing you to jerk back.

You look at the TV and then back at him, soft laughter escaping your lips. The TV clicks off at the press of a button on the remote and you get up to start picking up the empty bowls of popcorn, the tissues, and the blankets.

"What? We had just started!"

He sits up a little.

"We can continue this later," you laugh with a wink and leave the room.

I realize that was short but I didn't really have much to write for that one and I don't really know how to write Balthazar very well.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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