A New Day in the Life of Y/n

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In which Y/n discovers a whole new part of herself. Also, you might wanna go back and reread the first and second part as this is the third part. The first one is called "Just a Day in the Life of Y/n" and the next one is called "An Unexpected Day in the Life of Y/n".

Ps, I've realized that I always tend to write as if the reader is female. While this may be the case sometimes, it isn't always. I'm sorry if it makes you mad or anything, but since I identify as female, that's always just the way I write. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. 💫

You wake up to the sound of an argument unfolding.

"What are we supposed to do with her?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Maybe she has relatives she could live with?"


"I was just trying to help out, sheesh."

"He did save (Y/n)."

"See, someone appreciates me at least."

"I don't appreciate you, I am simply acknowledging that you saved the girl."

"Wow, cold. C'mon Cassie, I thought we were bros!"

"We stopped being "bros" when you ran away like a coward."

The words hang in the air and suddenly the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. That's when you decide to let them know you're awake.

You pretend to have just woken up.

"What's going on? Where am I?"

You ask, stretching out your arms. Looking down, your nose wrinkles.

"And what am I wearing?"

You try to push back the covers but your dominant hand won't work. It hurts, even more when you try to use it, so you use your other hand to push the covers away. You discover bare legs and a flannel that is ten times too big on your small body.

"Did you undress me?"

Disgust seeps into your voice and you jump out of the bed, quickly backing into the door. Glancing around you quickly realize you're in a shitty motel room.

"Careful, you'll mess up your stitches."


Your voice rises in pitch and you carefully turn your right leg to see a large cut stretching all the way down your calf. Is that... dental floss?

Ok this is author and I have a question real quick. Can Gabriel heal??? Cause he's like an archangel and everything but I don't really ever see him healing people in fics and imagines and it was never seen in the show??? So idk???? I'm just gonna pretend he can't heal I guess.

"I didn't..." Your brain struggles to bring up the memories from the night before. "I didn't get this when I was awake."

"No. Sam over here dropped you."

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