Preferences (Cheesy Pick-up Lines)

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K so I found a bunch of pick-up lines and I really just wanted to put them here so yeah. Enjoy!

You were on a case that requires you to go to a "dance" club. Dean, of course, had volunteered to go, and you, wanting to make sure he remembered he had a girlfriend, decided to tag along.

As you walk in, you notice that none of the people there are very attractive. Dean seems to notice this too, because he nudges your arm.

"Hey, if you weren't here, I'd be the hottest person in this place."

Your cheeks flame red.


You smack his arm and he smiles at you in response.

You sit at the table, reading through the third Harry Potter book. Today you had a day off. Dean and Cas went off on a hunt together.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Sam says, looking up from his laptop screen.


"Are you a Harry Potter fan? Cause I wanna Slytherin."

Your head snaps up quickly.

"What the actual fuck Sam."

He chuckles slightly at the expression on your face.

"C'mon, you gotta admit, that was a good one."

"Whatever," you reply and roll your eyes.

"Are you from the ghetto? Cause I'm about to ghetto hold of that ass."


You look up in surprise. He holds a crumpled piece of paper in his hand.

"Dean told me to read what it said on the paper."

You stand up, your face red.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, I'm mad at Dean. I'll be right back."

And with that you leave to find Dean.

"Are you art? Cause I wanna nail you up against the wall."

"Damnit Crowley, I'm getting tired of your shit!" You answer, but a blush appears on your face nonetheless.

You were bragging about how you were a great speller so Gabriel challenged you to a little spelling contest.

"How do you spell me?" He asks, a smirk forming on his lips.

"M-E," you answer like it's obvious.

"You forgot the D."

You furrow your brow in confusion.

"There's no D in me."

"Not yet there's not," he replies, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you, I'd only have one dollar cause you never leave my mind."

Dean makes a gagging noise and leaves the room. You blush at Kevin's comment.

"That's actually kinda sweet, Kev."

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