A Supernatural Twist P.2 - Gabriel x Reader

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So this is the second part to a Supernatural Twist. Still don't know why I called it that. I'll probably retitle it. This one won't be as long. Hope you enjoy!

"This one is mine!!" You run into the motel room and jump on a bed. Since you decided to stay with Sam and Dean, you had started hunting with them and they even said you were pretty good at it.

"The other bed is mine," Dean says, setting his stuff on the bed next to yours.

"I don't wanna share with Sam. He always kicks me," you pout.

"I do not!" He says indignantly, shutting the door behind him. You grudgingly give Sam some room for his stuff.

"Here, look at this," Sam hands you a newspaper. Your eyes move back and forth for a moment, reading the front page.

"Seems odd... After looking around at the crime scene and all..." you trail off.

"This feels familiar. Have we been on a hunt like this before?" You ask.

"Dunno. Kinda sounds like just desserts."

"Yeah..." you roll it over in your head before realizing why this case is familiar.

"Hey!! I know what this is!! I watched it on the show! This is my favorite episode!"

You bounce up and down excitedly. But when you look up, Sam and Dean are standing by the door.


"Hey, we gotta go, we'll back."

"But Dean-"

"You aren't coming with us, just stay here."

"But I know-"

The door closes before you can finish.


You catch your breath outside of the building. You had followed the impala to a beat up building and watched Sam and Dean walk inside. After you get your breath back, you walk into the building. And as soon as you walk in, you find yourself in some kind of... White coat? Like the ones doctors wear.

"Son of a-"


You look up to see Sam and Dean jogging over to you.

"Seems I'm being interrupted a lot today."

A pretty looking nurse person walks up to Sam angrily. You nudge Dean.

"Watch this," you whisper.


She reaches up and slaps Sam right in the face. You and Dean hold in laughter as Sam's mouth drops open in shock. The nurse storms away.

"Stop laughing," Sam mutters quietly.

"I'm trying," you giggle as Sam rubs the red mark on his face.

"Seriously (Y/n), shut up."

"Oh Sam, don't be such a baby."

You start walking aimlessly down the hallways. Dean follows behind you.

"(Y/n), we're in Doctor Sexy MD," Dean says, catching up to you. Sam sulks along behind you, still kind of angry that you were laughing at him.

"So we are," you state calmly.

"Wait. You knew this was gonna happen?"

"This was my favorite episode," you reply.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well I tried but-"

"There he is."

"There who is, Dean?" Sam asks.

"It's Doctor Sexy."

You all three watch as "Doctor Sexy" walks up to you. You bounce on the balls of your feet excitedly and bite your lip. He stops in front of you and looks at Sam and Dean.


Dean nods at him.


Sam nods and sarcastically replies "Doctor."

You smile as "Doctor Sexy" looks at you and looks surprised.



He morphs back into himself and snaps. You find yourself in what must be the inside of the old beat-up building. You are once again wearing the jacket Gabe gave to you all that time ago and Bobby's hat. The sleeves are still too long on the jacket, but that makes you love it even more. You run into him and hug him tightly. The boys stand to the side awkwardly. A tear slips out of your eye.

"I missed you," you whisper.

"I missed you too, (Y/n). How are you here? I thought you went back to your universe or whatever."

"My family... They had gone looking for me and got in a car crash. None of them survived. I didn't have any other family, and I didn't have any friends. I got really upset. Ask them," you gesture at your adoptive brothers.

"Yeah, she was a crying mess."

"Shut up, Sasquatch," you chuckle.

"I don't know how Cas sensed it or anything, but he brought me back. I've been with the Winchesters since then."

"Why didn't you pray for me or something?" Gabriel asks, running his fingers through your hair.

"I dunno," you look down. "We've been working non-stop. Trying to stop Lucifer. And Michael. We've been sorting things out."

He opens his mouth to say something but you interrupt.

"And we're not doing that whole 'play your roles' shit. Whatever happens, happens. Okay?"


There. I know that wasn't great but I wanted to write it. So there ya go. I am going to be updating my other Fic soon, just give me some time.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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