Open! - Gabriel x Reader

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Alright, so this a part two to "Listen to Me!" This one won't really be serious either. In fact, it won't be serious at all. This was inspired by another movie that Rich was in. It is called "The Evil Gene" and the plot is good, but the acting is shitty. Rich could've done better. I don't even know why he was in that movie. Anyways, there this one part where he is trying to get into a room and instead of saying something like "Open the door", like a normal person would, he says "OPEN!" So that is what inspires this. Also, I promise no bananas will be shoved up asses this time.

You left Gabriel at your apartment. You know it probably wasn't the best idea, but you left him alone anyways.

Gabriel switches the TV off and sighs.

"I should've gone with (Y/n)."

He looks around your apartment with a bored expression. Then he spots a door at the end of the hall.

"What is behind that door?"

He has never gone in that room before, not for the past year you two had been living together. He gets up and walks to the door slowly. He pulls at the doorknob but the door won't budge. He wiggles the doorknob around and pulls on the door even harder.

"Why won't this stupid door open?"

He holds onto the doorknob and puts both feet on the door. He pulls as hard as he can and ends up flying backwards and into the counter. Gabriel curses and rubs his head. It takes a minute, but he finally stands back up and tries to open the door again.

"Stupid door."

It occurs to him that he could easily get into the other room and he doesn't even have to use the door. Unless there are angel wardings in the room, which there aren't. But he wants to actually have the satisfaction of opening the door.

He looks around the house for things to throw. He throws chairs, dishes, and pieces of the counter that broke off when he went flying into it. However, they make no impact.

"Strong door."

He pounds on the door with his hand and pushes against it with his shoulder.


Just then, you walk into your apartment to see him wildly trying to pull the door open.

"Gabriel, what are you doing?"

You set the groceries on the floor and walk over to him.

"Trying to open the door," he says like it's obvious. You laugh and smile at him. He once again pulls at the door.

"Oh my sweet, clueless angel."

He watches in awe as you twist the doorknob and instead of pulling, you push the door and it swings open to reveal a small storage closet.

"You push it open!"

He opens and closes his mouth and looks between you and the door. You smile up at him and laugh at his expression.

"Oh, I love you."

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