Candy Thief - Gabriel x Reader

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Today sucks, you decide, walking through the rain.

You and your friend were supposed to go out on a girl's day because you almost never get to see each other anymore. She didn't call you until you were already at the meeting place getting drenched to tell you that she couldn't make it.

Generally, you like rain. But not when you're feeling pissed, let down, and upset. And especially not when it's completely storming and you're nearly freezing to death. Your feet are slippery because you had worn flip flops since it was sunny and warm not two hours ago. The only thing you have to look forward to now is Supernatural.

You cheer up a little at that and look down at your watch only to frown again. The episode has already started. You quicken your pace but not before you grumpily take off your sandals and place them in your purse. The street is empty and the silence is only disturbed by the rain hitting the ground and the occasional car driving by. Now barefoot, you clutch your bag to your side, moving into an even quicker pace.

You're so caught up in your own thoughts that you don't even notice the figure creeping up behind you until it's pulled you into a nearby alley way. Your screams are muffled by a hand and you decide to save your breath for something that is actually going to help you.

"Listen lady, I don't mean any trouble, I just need your bag, okay?"

That voice sounds familiar...

You brush off the sense of familiarity and focus. You'd always been told if they want something to just give it to them.

"I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth now, but you can't scream, okay?"

You nod slightly to let him know you aren't going to yell or anything.

Slowly, he removes his hand from over your mouth.

"The bag?"

You open it.

"What do you want?" You ask, keeping your voice level.


You rummage around in your purse until you find your pocketbook and hand it over. You notice that despite the fact that it's still pouring, he's actually mostly dry, though he's becoming just about as drenched as you are.

You're confused when he actually hands your pocketbook back after taking the money.

"What else you got in there?"

You frown not only at the familiarity of his voice but also at the fact that he's acting a lot differently than you'd actually expect someone who's robbing you to act.

"My phone, some lady necessities, three sticks of chewing gum, a couple pens, my sandals, and a chocolate bar."

He doesn't say anything for a moment before he finally breathes out.

"Gimme the candy bar."

You frown at the odd request but comply.

"Could I help you with anything else while you're stealing from me?" You ask sarcastically, trying to get a good look at his face in the dark.

"Yeah actually, what kind of gum do you have?"


"I'll take it."

You place the three sticks of gum in his hand.

"Thanks, sweetheart. See ya around."

His breaths sound a bit odd and ragged, but he's mostly moving fine. When he pulls back to leave, you catch a glimpse of his face in the dim light emanating from the street lamp and gasp. He pauses for a second.

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