LA Devotee - Dean x Reader

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Song is LA Devotee by Panic!atthedisco

Music pounds out of speakers all around. Dancing bodies meld against each other and smiles are on everyone's faces as they sing along loudly with the person on stage. It's hot, but no one seems to care. They are too carried away with their happy singing and dancing.

You decided to take a break from hunting and hang out at a bar. This one has a room specifically for dancing/music. You dance along with everyone else as the person on stage finishes their song and hops down.

The girl searches the crowd for another person to take her place singing karaoke. Her striking blue eyes land on you and she smiles mischievously. You shake your head as she hands you the microphone. The people around you cheer.

"No, I can't."

You shake your head.

"Looks like this girl needs some encouragement!"

The crowd roars louder.

"Alright, alright!"

You laugh and take the mic from her. You get up on the stage and browse the songs. After picking your song, you position yourself in the middle of the stage. Two men walk in just as you start singing.

You got two black eyes from lovin too hard
And a black car that matches your blackest soul
I wouldn't change ya, oh
Wouldn't ever try to make you leave, no

You start to dance along with the beat and the crowd does the same, except for the man with green eyes standing towards the back.

Oh, the neon coast was your sign
And the Midwest way and the Pisces rise
I wouldn't change ya, oh
Wouldn't ever try to make you leave, no

Static palms melt your vibe
Midnight whisperings

You stop to catch your breath and launch into the chorus.

Black magic on Muholland Drive
Swimming pools under desert skies
Drinking white wine in the blushin light
Just another LA devotee

The words pour out of your mouth, almost like a waterfall. It feels good to just let it all out and have some fun. And now that you're up there you feel brave. As you continue singing, you point to "green eyes" who is looking at you like you're the only person in the room.

Sunsets on the evil eye
Invisible to the Hollywood shrine
Always on the hunt for a little more time
Just another LA devotee

Just another, just another uh-oh
Just another, just another uh-oh
Just another, just another uh-oh
Just another LA devotee

You shake your hair out behind you and smile widely. You continue singing and the crowd sings along with you. Green eyes follow you across the stage as you walk and dance around, still belting out lyrics.

You sing the chorus for the second time and then point the microphone out to the crowd, and let them singing.

LA devotee, LA devotee, LA devotee

They chant, you along with them.

Black magic on Muholland Drive!
Swimming pools under desert skies!
Drinking white wine in the blushin light,
Just another LA devotee!

Sunsets on the evil eye!
Invisible to the Hollywood shrine!
Always on the hunt for a little more time,
Just another LA devotee!

Sucking in air, you all sing the lyrics as loud as you can.

Just another, just another uh-oh
Just another, just another uh-oh
Just another, just another uh-oh
Just another LA devotee!

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause. Tonight, you have probably smiled more than you've smiled in the last few months.

"Another, another!" The crowd yells. You shake your head, still grinning.

You hop off stage and hand the mic to a lady up front. You push through the crowd as they start dancing to another song, which you recognize to be Loveshack.

"That was some performance there."

Turning to look at the man who had spoken to you, you notice little flecks of dark green in his light green eyes.

"Thank you very much," you smile at him and grab his hand.

"Hey, what do you say we get outta here?"

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