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Hey, I'm gonna do one for Gabriel and one for Cas here. You could call this a preference if you wanted but I'm not going to. I hope you enjoy!

A quiet clicking noise sounds throughout the motel room. You open one eye. With one hand, you slowly reach under your pillow and grip your gun. Sam stirs on the bed across the room but doesn't show any signs of being awake.

It's okay. I can handle this.

You see the shadow of a figure leaning against the door. A sigh escapes his lips. He casts his eyes around the room and they land on you. Through the darkness, you can see that his eyes are green. Your eyes sting with unshed tears. Dean has green eyes. Had. The figure sets down a duffle bag and walks close to you.


You don't wait to hear what he has to say.

"Sam!" You yell.


He jolts up out of bed and sees you holding a blade against the intruders throat.

"Who are you?"

The light flicks on and your heart stops.


He smiles at you.

"I'm back."

Your face goes from surprise to anger and you press the blade harder against his throat.

"You get out of my brother you sick son of a bitch."

"(Y/n), get off him!"

Sam pulls you away from Dean.

"Dean's dead! He's gone, that's not him, it can't be!"

"It is him, I talked to him earlier, so did Bobby. It's him, I promise."

Sam keeps ahold of your shoulder so you don't try to attack Dean again. You look at your twin.

"You're kidding. Why didn't you tell me he was alive!"

You stomp on his foot and he lets go of you.


"That's what you get!" You shout, sticking out your tongue.

"You haven't grown up a bit since I was gone," Dean says with a chuckle. You turn to your brother and hug him tightly.

"I missed you Dean."

"Missed you too, little sister."

You pull away.

"What happened?"

He rolls up his sleeve and shows you a bright red hand imprint on his upper arm.

"Not exactly sure, but I have this to show for it."

You study it closely.

"I've never seen anything like that."

"Yeah. Bobby said we should go see Pam."

Bobby had spoke of her once before. From what you'd heard, she was pretty nice.

"Great, let's go now."

You pack the few times you have back into your own duffle and throw Sam's toothbrush at him.

"C'mon little bro, we're outta here."

"Alright first of all, you were born five minutes before me. Second, I'm taller than you. Third, we can't leave now. It's like 4 in the morning."

You raise an eyebrow at him.

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