Growing Up the Winchester Way

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Part two to Taken In.

The next morning, you wake up on one of the creaky motel beds, Danny laying next to you and Sam hugging her. Dean is watching from a nearby table, and he nods towards a slip of paper. "Dad left this for you." You quietly and carefully slide off the bed, careful not to wake up Sam and Danny. Your feet touch the cold floor and you shiver, realizing you're still in your clothes from the night before.

You already know how to read better than most kids your age thanks to your parents both being college professors. Pulling the slip of paper towards you, you sigh. The death of your parents was still going to take a while to sink in.

The paper had a list of rules and a short note at the bottom.

Rules to always remember!
1. Don't be predictable
2. Don't bring attention to yourself
3. Listen to Dean when I'm gone
4. Take care of yourself, but take care of your family too
5. Keep all doors and windows locked
6. Do not go outside.

More rules could be added soon, but those are just off the top of my head. I'll be able to teach you a little more when I get back. You'll be one of us soon enough. Ask Dean about breakfast if you're hungry. He'll figure something out.

- John

You glance up from the paper.

"One of us?" You ask.

"Yeah, a hunter. Since you're living with us now."

You frown.

"You don't mean the kind that hunts animals, do you?"

Dean shakes his head. You know it's one of those difficult questions, but you needed to ask.

"I'm only telling you cause you asked, alright? Don't come crying when you have nightmares or whatever."

"I don't have nightmares," you bluff.

"Alright, fine then. We hunt monsters. Save people. It's kind of been like that since Mom..."

He trails off and for a second, you see vulnerability. But then his face is tough again.

"Is your Mommy dead? It's okay. Mine is, too. So is my dad. At least you have one of those."

"Yeah. At least."

You get the feeling that you aren't helping.

"Sorry. My parents used to say that I was a bit too blunt. I'll have to work on that."

Danny stirs on the bed.

"So, John said to ask you about breakfast."


He pours you a bowl of some kind of off-brand cereal and hands it to you.


You stare down at it, slightly disgusted, but figure you'll have to get used to it now.

"Aren't you gonna have any?"

"Already ate," Dean replies, but as he does, his stomach growls. Pink dusts his freckled cheeks and you smile a little.

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