Clumsy - Dean x Reader

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K so I heard this song on the radio earlier and it's stuck in my head so Imma incorporate it into this and also I'm super clumsy so I figured it's fitting. Enjoy!

Song: Clumsy by Fergie

The quietness of the bunker is something you don't get often. The boys went out on a case on their own a few days ago, so you had been left at the bunker. You were already on the hunt for more cases. What else were you supposed to do anyways?

But today you decided to sleep in. You shut off your alarm and slept for another few hours until it was about eleven. Feeling very well rested, you finally got out your bed and made it neatly. When you were done though, you were still feeling kind of groggy. You wiped sleep out of yours eyes and went into the bathroom where you brushed your hair and washed your face. While you did that, you let your thoughts swirl around in your head.

Dean Winchester drove you insane. At first it would just be little twinges when he would walk past or when he would smile at you. Then it grew to be something more. You couldn't stop thinking about him and it impaired your ability to do good research and do well on hunts, not to mention it clouded your judgement. It got to the point where you would do things extremely uncharacteristic of you, like girlish giggling or you would get smitten or shy easily around him. You got clumsy and whenever he got a little too close to you, you would fall on your face or trip over your own feet. It was embarrassing to say the least.

You dry your face and hands and make your way out of your room and down the hall to get breakfast. As you do, a song pops into your head that reminds you strongly of yourself.

You got me tripping,
Clumsy cause I'm falling in love

Can't breathe
When you touch my sleeve
Butterflies so crazy,
Mmm mmm

You got me tripping,
Clumsy cause I'm falling in love

As you're singing you get distracted. You trip over your own feet. You close your eyes, bracing for impact with the floor, when you feel arms around you. You open one eye, then the other and are met with the brilliant green eyes of none other than Dean Winchester.

"D-Dean? I didn't know you guys were home."

"Didn't take as long as we thought. Lucky thing too cause otherwise you would've just fallen flat on your face."

You giggle nervously and blow a strand of hair out of your face. His eyes fall on your cheeks, rosy from embarrassment, and then move back up to study your eyes.

"So, that was an interesting song you were singing just a minute ago. Wanna tell me who the lucky guy is?" He asks, smirking slightly.

"I have a feeling you already know."

You smile and lean up to kiss him. You pull away after a moment but you pull back a little too hard and fall backwards, pulling Dean down to the floor with you.

Clumsy cause I'm falling in love ~

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