Destiel idk P.2

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Castiel 's alarm clock blares some kind of old song at 8:00 the next morning. He groans, sitting up in bed. Why would he have set his alarm? It's not a work day... Then he remembers. His plans with Dean. They had swapped numbers and decided on a time to meet before Cas had left the bar with Gabriel in tow. Speaking of Gabriel, Cas could hear him groaning from the guest room.

Cas rakes his fingers through his messy hair and pushes back his covers. Making his bed is always the very first thing he does so that he doesn't forget later on, but he doesn't have the time, and he doesn't much care anyways. This is the first time he's looked forward to something in a very long time.

He shuts off his alarm and moves to the bathroom attached to his room, quickly brushing his teeth and patting down his hair until it stays. He puts some thought into his outfit, but ends up throwing on a clean suit and his trench coat. It's a bit of an odd choice, but he looks pretty damn good in it, so nobody ever questions him.

Castiel leaves his room a bit messy, eager to get to his destination. He lets himself into the guest room a few minutes later with two aspirins and a glass of water.

"Hey, Gabriel."

His older brother lifts up his hand a bit in acknowledgement and then it falls back down.


"You shouldn't have drank so much. You're late for work."

Gabriel groans again but sits up to down the aspirin and gulp down the water.

"I'll be out in a minute, Cassie. You mind getting me down to the shop today?"

"Only if you brush your teeth first," Castiel replies, wrinkling his nose.

"I was planning on doing that anyways, asshat. Tell Dad I said good morning."

Gabriel pats Cas' shoulder and exits the room, presumably to get dressed. Cas exits the room and heads for the kitchen.

"Morning, Dad."

His father grunts in response, sipping a whiskey. Cas takes notice of the whiskey but doesn't do anything. He grabs a granola bar.

"I'm going out, Father. I'll be back soon."

Gabriel walks into the kitchen then.

"I heard that whole conversation and you didn't tell Dad that I said good morning."

Cas shrugs.

"Leave your brother alone. He has things to do."

"You find a guy?"

Gabriel wiggles his eyebrows at Cas. Cas cringes. His father wasn't supposed to know that.

"Actually, his name is Dean. And he's the guy I met last night when you got drunk off your ass."

The cringe must have seeped into Cas' voice, because his father actually makes a comment.

"No shame in that, Castiel. I had a few boyfriends, too."

Cas decides the whole exchange is awkward, especially when Gabriel decides to interject again.

"Saw a real cutie the other night. Real tall, long hair."

Gabriel rubs his hands together.

"Can't wait to get in his pants-"

"Alright, I'm going now," Cas interrupts, abandoning one of the worst conversations he's ever been a part of.

Cas rushes outside without a farewell and gets into his car which faintly smells of vomit, whiskey, and candy. He sprays some Ferbreeze, starting up his car and  and pulling out of the driveway. He devours the granola bar, turning a few times and finally finding the auto-repair place. The only other car in the lot is Dean's car, but there is a huge garage where Cas assumes the cars they are working on are kept.  

Dean exits the garage, wiping his hands. Cas gets out and greets him as casually as he can.

"Hello, Dean."

"Hey, Cas. I was starting to think you wouldn't show."

"Of course I would."

"I've been stood up before," he trails off.

"Well, I would not do that to you, Dean. I am actually very interested in you."

Dean tries to keep the grin from his face but it doesn't work, and Castiel smiles at the thought that he was able to make Dean smile.

Dean leads him into the garage and Cas looks around in wonder.

"You work on all this?"

Pride lights up Dean's face and he walks over to one of the most beautiful cars Cas has ever seen.

"Almost done with this beauty here."

He opens up the hood and once again Cas is amazed.

"Wow. It must very difficult to remember all the parts and how to fix them. You must be very smart."

This time, a blush appears on both of their faces.

"Yeah, I guess I am pretty good at what I do."

The two make eye contact briefly before looking away. Dean's tongue darts between his lips and his eyes shoot down before he brings his eyes back up to Cas'. Music filters out of an old radio in the corner. Cas recognizes it as Queen and sighs contentedly.

Can anybody find me, somebody to love

The lyrics make Dean smile to himself so he lets it keep playing. The two draw a little closer. Light sparkles in both of their eyes and their lips meet. The kiss seems cheesy and cliche but neither of them care. Cas parts his lips and let's Dean take over, his hands pulling at Cas' short dark hair. Cas leans into the kiss, letting everything else fall away. His hearts beats faster and faster still, and he forces himself to move his hands.

They only pull away for air, and Dean kicks the radio, shutting it off. They stare at each other again, breathing heavily. And that was the beginning.

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