Preferences (What You Do Together in Autumn)

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Hey guys! So I know it's bit early to be writing Halloween imagines, so I'll start with autumn related imagines and when it gets closer to Halloween, I'll write some Halloween ones.


You put on a cream colored sweater that has sleeves slightly too long. Your jeggings (Yes, jeggings) cling to your legs, but not too tightly. Your hair falls down perfectly and a smile finds its way to your face.


The sound of loud footsteps fills your ears and you laugh as you see Dean running to your room.

"(Y/n), what's wrong-"

He slides past your bedroom door and nearly falls on his ass due to the fact that he is wearing socks.

"Jesus fucking shit Christ!"

You laugh even louder when he does fall down, but he pulls you down with him and you land on his lap.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! I just need you to get dressed. We're gonna go outside!" You smile and clap your hands, similar to how a child would. Dean shakes his head after a minute and smiles.

"Alright, fine."

He stands up with you in his arms and sets you down.

"I'll meet you outside."

You run out the bunker door and jump into the front seat.

"Where we going?" Sam asks, opening the car door again.

"You," you poke his chest. "Are staying here. Me and Dean are going to the park."

"What? Can I come?"

"Sorry Moose, not today. We have some bonding to do."

He frowns a little but nods understandingly.

"Fine. I see how it has to be. I'll just stay here and be lonely then."

"Damnit Sam, don't you dare!"

But it's too late. He looks at you with puppy eyes and a small pout. Too hard to resist, you give in.

"Fine. But I still get shotgun. And you can't bother us, okay?"



Once you all get to the park, you run off to walk trails with Dean as Sam watches you disappear with a smile. You jump into leaf piles, pulling Dean with you, and that's how you spend the rest of the day, throwing leaves at each other and laughing, and finally ending it with a sweet kiss.



"The majestic moose gazes around at the trees. Careful, for moose are easily startled, and may be set off by the tiniest sound."

A snap echoes around and your eyes widen. Sam's head snaps to the direction you are. You crouch down further, hiding behind a bush.

"The moose has sensed us. We must be careful. When startled, it may charge."

You peek above the bush and his eyes lock with yours as he begins walking over to you.

"We've been spotted! Remember-" you pant, running in zigzags.

"Moose can be very dangerous when charging. However, if you run in a zigzag pattern, it will be hard for them to catch you!"

"Damnit (Y/n), get over here."

Leaves crunch under your feet as you wildly try to make your escape.

"Alas, it is of no use! The moose is too tall and strong, I can not outrun him-" you cut off to scream when he grabs you around the waist and picks you up.

"Awe, it got me."

You place your hand to your forehead dramatically, ever the one for drama.

"Goodbye cruel world."

You stick your tongue out and close your eyes.

"Ha ha, very funny," Sam says sarcastically, but you can hear him trying to hold back a laugh. You try to keep up your theatrics, but end up ruining it when you smile and laugh loudly. He brings you closer to chest.

"I love you, Sam."

"Love you too."



You and Cas decided to walk around and look at the scenery. You would go outside and sit on a bench, just watching everything. You watched as the leaves turned shades of orange, gold, and red. You watched as kids ran around towns and parks with sweaters on. You watched as the leaves began to fall and as kids jumped into piles and ended up in giggling fits. You watched all of this with your hands intertwined, leaning against each other and enjoying it all.



You didn't really expect to get to do anything with Crowley during Autumn. You knew he had to stay away from the Winchesters for his safety. They had been looking for him ever since you had let him get away. They didn't know it had been you, of course.

"Fancy going out for a bite to eat?"


You jump up and hug him tightly.
"I didn't know when I'd be seeing you again!"

"Figured I would drop by. I know you miss me terribly when I'm gone."

"Damn straight. We should do things together more often."

"Duly noted."

You end up going to a nice cafe. No one else is there except for the person working, and after getting something small to munch on and a coffee, the worker goes outside for a break. You spend the next few hours talking about anything and everything.



"Where are we going?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," Gabe replies with a laugh. Your lips curve into a small smile but it drops after a few seconds.

"Seriously, this is making me feel kinda claustrophobic."

"Just a moment..."

It feels like something soft and feathery wraps around you. Whatever it is is warm, and it feels... Alive. Your mouth drops open.

"Are those your-"

"We're here!" He interrupts. He uncovers your eyes and suddenly the warmth surrounding you like a cocoon is gone.



"Yeah! You've already said you wanted to try it! And besides, I found these cute little cookie cutters. Look."

Next to all the ingredients are cookie cutters in the shapes of leaves, pumpkins, and other equally cool things.

You spend the next few hours baking. Or, trying to anyways. Gabriel keeps eating cookie dough, leaving you with barely enough to make a dozen cookies in the end. You also make quite the mess. Ingredients are all over the floor, on both of your clothes, and in your hair. Despite this, you still had loads of fun.

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