Preferences (How You Scare Him)

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Sam was equally as excited to get Dean back for the scare he had given the both of you. So when you asked him about things he was scared of, he was happy to tell you.

"Well, he's afraid of flying."

You grin evilly.

"Great. You wanna help me Sammy?"

"I dunno, Dean is gonna get pretty mad."

"Well, I was gonna ask Gabriel to help as well..."

"You know what? I think I'll help!"

"Great! Let's get a move on."

After calling in Gabriel to help, you have the whole thing planned. Dean walks into the bunker, expecting to see both you and Sam sitting at the table, but instead appears to be in an airplane. He sets down the groceries in his hands and his eyes dart around a bit. Passengers sit in seats everywhere and chatter with each other amiably.

"Sir, you really must sit down for your own safety."

A woman in a uniform pushes him down the aisle and into an empty seat.


The chatter immediately stops as the plane shakes a little.


The stewardess falls into the lap of a man sitting nearby, who actually happens to be Sam, but Dean doesn't notice.

"I'm so sorry sir. Please forgive me."

She smiles up at him charmingly.

"G-Gabriel... I mean, uh, it's fine! No problem!" Sam says loudly, trying not to blow Gabriel's cover.

The plane rocks again and Dean starts to panic. You snicker to yourself as he completely loses it. "

"I have to get outta here. Move!"

He pushes other passengers aside and tried to get to the front of the plane when the lights go off and it starts shaking violently. Dean's response is to scream like a little girl.

Finally, you can't take it anymore. You burst out into fits of laughter and the scene around you morphs back into the bunker. The stewardess morphs back into Gabriel and Sam is back in the clothes he had on beforehand. Both of them are laughing with you, but Dean doesn't seem to find it very funny.

"What the hell!"

"Revenge is a bitch, isn't it Dean?" You laugh.

"I was gonna say something more along the lines of 'revenge is sweet,'" Gabriel says, sucking on a DumDum sucker he had probably gotten when no one was paying attention.

"Har har, so funny," you reply sarcastically but end up laughing at the bad joke anyways.

"No, not funny at all," Dean says sassily.

"Babe, calm down, it was a joke!"

"You laugh and kiss him on the cheek. "Fine, let's just agree not to do this again."



Dean was more than happy to help you scare Sam when you asked for his assistance. Cas didn't really understand the point of it, so he sat out. Dean helped you do your makeup to look like a clown. After looking in the mirror, you almost scared yourself.

"Here, smile really wide."

You comply happily, and it looks even creepier.

"Perfect," Dean says, happy with his work.

"Don't let Sam see you, okay?"

"Got it. You won't even know I'm here," Dean says and disappears around the corner. You breath in and out.

Here we go.

"Sammy! Could you come out here for a second?" You ask in a sing-song voice. The door opens and Sam is about to walk out but he immediately freezes when he sees you.

"What's wrong?" You ask with an eerie smile. He walks backwards into his room and you follow him.

"It's just me."

He shakes his head and falls onto the bed. You laugh and lean in towards him.

"This'll teach you to mess with me," you laugh and stand back up. Dean walks into the room, laughing to himself.

"You should've seen the look on your face!"

Sam scowls at the both of you as you lose yourself in laughter again. He grumbles to himself. You walk away after you're finished laughing to wash the makeup off your face.

You tried to scare Cas. You really did. You jumped in front of him at random times and tried to get a reaction but ultimately you ended up getting overexcited and jumping into him, causing both of you to fall down.


You were going to try to scare Crowley back. But after thinking for hours upon hours, you just couldn't think of anything that would scare the King.


You had tons of ideas at first. But Gabriel kept popping in at the most inopportune times and ruining them. You ended up making a deal that you would stop trying to scare him if he took you flying again.

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