Impossible Year P.2 - Sam x Reader

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Prepare for sadness.

Once in the bunker, you still don't get up off the floor. You're still holding Sam's body when a rough hand clamps down on your shoulder and pulls you away, moving into your position. You stare at Dean, paralyzed as he yells his brother's name over and over. You don't realize it, but as the shouts get louder, your face is crumbling again.

And then he is turning to you. And he's looking into your eyes. And you see the pain, and the anger, and the tragedy and sadness. I understand! you want to scream. But then you're looking harder and you see the accusation. And you realize what is going to happen, but that doesn't make it any less awful.

"Get out."



You scramble to pack your things.

"No... just go. Leave your shit."


"I said, leave your fucking shit."

You glance at Cas with your blurry vision, but whatever expression is on his face, you don't wait to see it. You're out of the bunker before you can snap.

Rain is pouring down from the heavens and lighting flickers in the sky. Thunder booms around you, a cacophony of noises. If Sam were still here, he would comfort you because he knew you were scared of storms. But he's not. Your sobbing mixes with the stormy symphony and you stumble past the impala, the sight of it making you walk faster.

You wander around aimlessly, lost in the storm. Your face is wet, from sweat, tears, rain, or possibly a mixture of all three. You don't even have your cell on you. You lean against a tree, howling into the wind. Your sobs sound so animalistic, so miserable, so lonely, that even the animals hear their echoes and stop to listen and feel the emotion in it. You fall onto your knees in the leaves slick with mud and rain.

At the bunker...

There is work to be done. But Dean can't bring himself to do it. He doesn't know what to do with his brother's corpse. He's just so angry. And broken. He walks to your old room, noticing Sam's stolen flannels and the pictures of you with him, Sam, Cas, and Bobby. One of you with Charlie, one of you with Kevin. One of you with the boys, Bobby, Jo, Ellen, and Ash. One of you with Jody and the girls. He holds the pictures in his hand and one by one smashes the frames, sending glass across the room. He rips the blankets off your bed, and they smell like both you and Sam, so he tears them. He throws books, he smashes your laptop against the wall. He only stops when Cas catches his attention.



And back to you...

Bright lights blind you, so you cover your eyes against them. The two lights get closer and slowly stop in front of you.

"Is she alive?"

"She's breathing."

You want to scream.

I wish I were dead. I wish it were me, not him.

But it's not. And you're the one who's alive. You stagger into a standing position.

"Are you okay?"

You almost start crying again. It reminds you of that night on the highway when they found you. John and the boys.

"Does she look like she's fine?"

"C'mon sweetie, let's get you to the hospital."

You let them drive you into town, but only that far. You open the door as the car pulls to a stop and jump out, running in a random direction.


You ignore the call, needing to get away from it all, from everything.

About one year later...

Ever since that night, you began hunting like a machine. Cas finally reached out to you, seemingly have forgiven you. But you don't pick up his calls, you never pray to him, you don't even think about it. When he appears in your shitty motel room, you tell him to fuck off and handle the case as fast as possible. You were killing monsters almost every night. Anything and everything. And anyone that got in your way, well... They're gone. You're being reckless, you know. Leaving obvious trails. But you don't care. The more reckless you are, the more likely death is. And that's just fine with you. Why not end it now? You're a coward. Even after all this time. You're a coward.

So you hunt. And that's it. Dean still hasn't made any move to contact you despite Cas' supposed suggestions, and while this hurts you, you shove it aside. Nothing matters anymore. If you don't care about anyone, then your heart will never be broken. You'll never have to be sad.


You stalk through the tall grass and into the building, holding your blade at the ready. Already you hear the sounds of a fight and groan. The last thing you need is more hunters. You quickly enter the room from where the noise is emanating from and scowl. It's Dean, and he's getting his ass kicked. Now, despite your anger, and the wound the sight of him is ripping open, you still love him. You still care about him, about all of them. You jump onto the monster and sink the blade into it, stabbing it again and again until it's limp on the ground.


Dean's voice sends tears to your eyes.


You paw at them but they continue to fall.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have-"

"I know, Dean."

You meet his eyes and you're reminded of the last time you met eyes like this, but instead of anger and accusation, you see remorse and sadness and forgiveness and love all at once. And that's when it snaps. You drop the blade to the ground and run into his waiting embrace, crying into his shoulder.

"I know, sweetheart."

And he's rubbing your back and crying just like you and you stand there, supporting each other when Cas walks in and joins you.

I actually kinda like writing this. It was dark, sad, tragic, and although I'm not a good writer, it still had me feeling emotions and shit. So yeah, I'm kinda proud of this.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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