A Supernatural Twist - Gabriel x Reader

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I called this one a Supernatural Twist, but Idek why. Seriously. Idk what it's supposed to mean. Titles are hard.

You sit in your bed upstairs, trying to drown out the shouting from downstairs. Your parents fight often, and it gets worse when your sister is involved. You turn the volume up on your TV and lay down.

Right now, you're watching one of your favorite shows, Supernatural. So far, you haven't made it past Season 6. But you're almost there. Tonight you are watching the episode, The French Mistake. You think it is kind of odd, but also really funny.

You find yourself drifting off. But just before you fall asleep, you say, "I wish I could live in the Supernatural universe. It'd be better than this."

And then you're gone.


When you wake up, you don't know where you are. You're in a bed you've never been in before. There's another bed not far away. The lights are on, and there is a girl rushing around the room.

"(Y/n), get up!! You're going to be late for class!"

"Class?" You ask groggily, sitting up.

"Uh, yeah!" The girl says, brushing through her hair. It's black with lightish blue tips. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and get out of the bed.

"You were so excited about this yesterday. Don't you remember what's going on?"

"No," you reply, grabbing a banana from the kitchen.

"That author guy is coming! You have to get ready or we'll be late!"

"Alright, I'm going!"

You shake your head with a light laugh. You walk into the bathroom and finish your breakfast.

Your hair is messy and you're wearing an oversized ACDC shirt and shorts. You yawn, changing into an outfit you found in your closet. While you finish getting ready, you talk to yourself.

"This is crazy."

You brush through your hair.

"I don't know where I am, but I never wanna leave."

"C'mon (Y/n), we have 10 minutes to get there!"

You both run out the door, and you have to let her lead you to the classroom. You reach the room out of breath, but you make it to your seat on time.

"Alright class, as you know, today an author will be talking to you about writing, and the many branches and directions it can take you. Here he is, Carver Edlund."

Your eyes widen as you see him walking to the front of the room. Carver Edlund!? As in, Chuck? Your mouth hangs open as you watch him start to talk.

"(Y/n)!" Your friend pokes your face. You turn to look at your friend.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, I'm fine..." You trail off, not knowing her name.

"It's Claire. You must have hit your head or something last night."

"Yeah, I guess."

You look at her blue eyes and then her blue-dyed hair.

"I'm gonna call you Blue." She laughs quietly.

"Whatever you say, (Y/n/n)."

You and Blue start paying attention to "Carver" again.

He seems kind of awkward, something you had noticed when watching the show. After he finished talking, he kind of shuffled away with a small smile. After class, you ran out after him.

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