Candy - Gabriel x Reader

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Writing this because I just ate a shit ton of candy, so yeah. Also, I bet you can guess who this one is about.

You enter the shop and gaze around in awe. Candy is everywhere. Literally. You jump up and down excitedly and grab a few bags. You walk down the first aisle, which is all things like lollipops and hard candies. You grab one of everything and fill a bag with them. Moving on to the next aisle, you grab every kind of bag of jelly beans available. The next two aisles are completely for chocolate. You grab everything and cram it into the bags in your hands. You end up getting a cart and more bags and put them in the cart when they are full.

Amber eyes follow you around the store, but you don't notice, too wrapped up in buying candy. You move from aisle to aisle and finally have the cart overflowing with bags of candy. You wheel your cart up to the cashier and watch as the cashier pulls everything out of the cart and slowly starts checking everything.

"That will be $269.21 counting tax."

Your mouth drops open. You knew it would cost a lot but you didn't think it would cost that much. You dig around your purse and find a lot more money than you thought you had. You find a hundred dollar bill, and a few twenties. You never knew you kept so much money on you, but you figured it had been because you had a tendency to lose things or forget where you put them.

"Shit, I don't have enough for it all. Let me put some back."

"That won't be necessary."

A man with slightly pushed back hair slaps a hundred dollar bill down on the counter along with all your other money.

"Oh you don't have to do that, it's okay, really."

You look into his eyes and breathe in sharply.

You had always thought eyes were just pretty. Your eyes were your favorite part of your face. Eyes were just beautiful in the way they looked and showed emotion. But you had never seen eyes quite like these. Sure, you knew everyone had different colored eyes. Even if two people had blue eyes, they weren't quite the same. But these eyes were something else.

A dash of mischief and good humor was able to be seen. But from looking closer, you could tell that whoever this person was, he has been through a lot and there was a great deal of sadness there.

"It's fine, really. I don't mind."

He smiles at you and your heart flutters, which you find kind of weird. You hadn't ever really had any kind of feelings toward anyone like that. Never any crushes or anything. Girls at school used to get annoyed that you didn't have a crush they could exploit.

"T-thank you."

You start grabbing bags and the man grabs the rest.

"Oh, you already payed for my candy, you don't have to carry it or anything."

He raises an eyebrow at you playfully.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

You laugh, something you haven't done in a while.

"No, I just didn't want to bother you."

You walk through the crowd in silence for a moment before he speaks up again.

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