Castiel Imagine P.2

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Part two to the last imagine :)


You run into him, wrapping your arms around him. He begins returning the hug but you pull away.

"Sam? Is he okay?"

You search his eyes.

"No. He's in the cage with-"

"Lucifer. That lying, manipulative snake!" You snarl, seething with anger.

"Calm down, we'll fix things. Sam will not give in to Lucifer, he'll be alright. I know you're worried, but as we speak, Dean is almost here. We'll be going to..."

"To hell." A grim smile twists your lips as you look at your boyfriend. "Let's do this thing."


Hell is... a bit different from how you thought it would be. Not better or anything. Just different. You follow Crowley, Cas, and Dean down twisting corridors, finally reaching your destination. When you see the devil, you can understand what Sam meant. Even from this far away, you can see his icy blue eyes, that malicious, twisted smirk. And then he looks to you, and curiosity lights his eyes as well as the fire would have, were it still there.

You almost back away, but you steel your gaze and lift your chin in a defiant manner, as if to say "you don't scare me." You push past Cas and Dean and run to The Cage, ready to fight. One blink later and you're in, too. Your heart beats faster, from anticipation or fear, you can't decipher. But that doesn't matter. You squash it down to make room for your anger.

"You evil, no-good, lying, twisted, manipulative snake!" You growl, borrowing words from earlier and stepping in front of Sam.

He looks amused which only makes you more pissed off.

"If I were you I'd wipe that stupid shit-eating smile off your damn face. You don't have anything to smile about, Satan."

You step forward, putting emphasis on the last part. Sam grabs your arm but you rip it away, not even looking back at him.

"You leave my brother alone."

"Hmm..." With every step towards him, you have to tilt your head up slightly, but you ignore this. "You're new."

"So what if I am?"

He touches a strand of your hair but with Sam behind you, you can't move back. Instead, you sneer at him.

"Hands off."

Finally, he turns away from you and notices Cas and Dean.

"Castiel! Dean! So great to see you."

You pull Sam farther away from Lucifer as Cas and Dean appear in The Cage too.

Punches are thrown but no one is a match for him. With all the training you've done since that night Cas and the boys saved you, you're almost better than the boys. You certainly do better in hand-to-hand combat. You manage to land a few punches but Lucifer easily pins you against the wall, blocking off your air supply. You kick out your legs but he gets closer, making it physically impossible for you to move anything but your hands. You clutch the fabric of his shirt but it does nothing.

Finally, Cas intervenes, leaving you to fall down, gasping for breath. Everyone is on the ground, gasping for breath and panicking at the situation. Still not breathing sufficiently, you look into the corner, where Cas and Lucifer are talking.

What are they-

A bright white flash of light interrupts your thoughts and you pass out.

When you wake up, you're back in the bunker. You quickly shoot out of bed, darting towards the library. When you reach the library, you spot Cas. Sighing in relief, you run to him and wrap your arms around him.

"Oh, I'm so glad we're all okay."

You stand on tiptoes and plant a kiss on his cheek. When you pull back, you don't notice the mixture of curiosity and malice in his eyes.


You flop back onto your side of the bed, sweat beads rolling down your forehead.

"Wow. That was different than the other times."

You breathe deeply, noticing how hot is. He doesn't answer, as if he's lost for words. That's alright. You're asleep by the time he finally thinks of something to say.

Ok I know that was short and the end was awkward but I don't know where I'm going with this man.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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