Just Dance! Ft. The Winchesters + Angels

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"Dean. Deeeeaaaaaaannnnn. dEEEEAAAAAANNNNNNNNN-"


"I wanna play a game."

You smile and pull Just Dance out from behind your back.

"Oh no, we are not-"

"Too late!"

You laugh evilly as Sam enters the room along with Gabriel and Cas.

"You know, I just remembered that I have something that's very important that I have to do right now," Sam says, turning to leave.

"Wait, it'll be fun!! Please, Sammy? For me?"

He stops in the doorway.

"Don't turn around, don't turn around..." he mutters before he finally breaks and turns to look at you.

His puppy eyes are good, but yours are better.

"Alright, I'll stay."

"Yay!! You guys are staying, too, right?"

You prepare the puppy eyes again just in case they think about saying no. Gabriel is always curious to see what you have planned on these occasions because it's always different, so he agrees to stay, and Cas never has anything better to do. Besides that, Cas really cares about you and loves seeing you happy.

"Yeah, we'll stay."

"Yes!! I have a whole thing planned, you guys just stay here for a second."

You sprint out of the room at top speed, nearly slipping and falling because you're only wearing socks. The boys wait for a moment. Sam and Dean look at each other uneasily, already wondering about the many ways this could go wrong. Cas is tilting his head and staring in the direction you ran in confusion.

You return quickly, a Wii console in hand along with four remotes and the game.

"Where'd you get that?"

You avert your eyes innocently.

"Oh, you know."

"That doesn't answer my question," Dean presses, voice getting a little louder.

"Okay, I may have spent a little bit of money on it-"

"How much?"

"Not a lot! They were desperate to sell a perfectly good Wii console and they were asking for a low a price. How could I refuse?" You ask, still managing to sound innocent as you plug it into the TV.

Dean sighs defeatedly, knowing that's about all he's going to get out of you.

You dust off the Wii, hoping it works since you never actually checked. To your delight, it works fine, just as you told your brother it would.

"See? Perfect."

You smile, putting your hands on your hip.

"Whatever, give me one of those."

Gabriel snatches one without so much as a thank you, but you aren't that offended.

"Who else wants to play first?"

The only one who offers to do so is Sam, and you smile gratefully.

"Cas, do you want to watch first?"

He nods uncertainly, barely understanding what is going on.

"Er, yes."

You hand Dean the remaining remote.

"Why don't I get a choice?"

"Because, Cas has never played before."

"Neither have I!"

"Yeah, but you'll get it faster. Stop whining."

To your surprise, he actually does shut up while you get the game started.

Upbeat pop music blasts out of the TV speaker and you actually back up a little bit because of the volume. Cas stares at the screen undecidedly. You turn down the volume not only because you don't want your brothers nagging at you the whole time because it's actually starting to hurt your ears.

It takes you about ten minutes to find a song you can all agree on and even then it takes a few minutes to decide who is going to be who. All of you are completely awful except for Dean who is surprisingly graceful.

After the first song, Gabriel refuses to give up his remote and you can tell Dean is starting to enjoy himself, so you relieve Sam of his remote and let Cas try. For about half of the song he stands there, not really following any of the movements and mostly getting in the way. But the end, he's at least trying, and he's no worse than the rest of you, so no one minds.


You all dance the night away. You had broken out the alcohol a long time ago, and you were all off-the-rails drunk. To be honest, you didn't think it was possible for any of you to get drunk anymore, but here you are, dancing to a song from the end of Dirty Dancing, a spectacular movie in your opinion. Cas is sitting on the ground, eyes not focused on anything in particular. Dean has almost fallen asleep on top of him, empty beer bottle laying near his foot. Sam is completely asleep, and the only ones still dancing are you and Gabriel. To this day, you have no idea how you were even awake or how you didn't vomit or something because at that point you had consumed copious amounts of alcohol.

"Wait wait, this is the part where you lift me up in the air!"

"Wait, don't-"

But it's too late. You're already trying reenact the scene from the movie. He does actually manage to lift you in the air. The problem is, there are so many bottles littering the floor that there's nowhere to go. You spot a bottle and know what's going to happen, but make no move to stop it. There's not enough time.

Both of you are on the ground three seconds later, wincing but also laughing. Bruises are already forming on your arms and legs, you notice as you push beer bottles away. Sam startles awake and Dean definitely isn't falling asleep now.

"What happened?"

"I fell, dumbass," you mumble, rubbing your face and trying to keep from smiling.

But you just can't. It's a good thing you're a happy drunk. You won't be so happy in the morning though.

"What time is it?" Dean asks groggily, looking around for something to find the time on.

"You've got a watch on, smart one," Gabriel points out, still laying on the ground, staring up at the ceiling.

It takes a moment, but Dean's eyes finally focus on the numbers blinking up at him.

"E, 46?" He mumbles, obviously a little confused.

"3:46, Dean," Cas corrects, trying to stand up and failing. Sam runs a hand through his hair, also looking confused.

"If it's 3:46, why isn't it light out?"

"In the morning, Samosa. It's almost four in the morning."


He lays his head back again as if the effort of talking was too much.

You're only able to get up after about ten minutes of laying on the floor, and even then, you're moving at a slow pace.

"C'mon guys, we gotta clean..."

You yawn, looking at all the beer bottles. Gabriel snaps and the beer bottles are cleared away and the TV is off.


You try to push a "thank you" out but you're yawning and then laying down next to Cas, Sam, and Dean, thinking about how nice it would be to sleep. Gabriel manages to muster up enough energy to join you, sitting on the couch and staring blankly at the wall. And that's how you all fall asleep, even Cas, piled up on the couch together.

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