Kevin (Preferences)

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How you met:

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Well, you did!"

People stare as your boyfriend yells at you. Your lips tremble and tears sting at your eyes. A woman nearby averts her eyes and walks past quickly.

"You dumb bitch."

"I'm sorry."

Your voice cracks a little and a tear falls down your cheek.

"Hey, it's been forever since I've seen you!"

You look up in confusion at the new voice. It's a guy who looks to be about your age. You scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion. He coughs pointedly.

"Oh. Right, um, good to see you too! It's really has been a while hasn't it?" You say, forcing a cheerful smile onto your face.

"Who is this?" Your boyfriend asks suspiciously.

"My friend that I told you about. Don't you remember?"


"Oh. Right." 

The stranger smiles at him.

"Nice to finally meet you. She's told me so much about you."

Your eyes widen a little and you cough, signaling he has said something wrong.

"Has she really?"

Your boyfriend glares at you. He doesn't answer, and you don't say anything either. You look behind the newcomer and see a man with green eyes observing the situation and a much taller man with long hair standing close by. Both of them look as if they are ready to rush over if anything happens.

"Well, it was great meeting you. C'mon (Y/n), we're leaving."

Your boyfriend starts to walk away, but you don't follow. Another tear slips out of your eye at the thought of going back to that awful house with him. You look at your "savior" and your eyes harden.

"Actually (Y/BF/N), you're leaving."

He turns to look at you.


"I'm... I've had it with you. You yell at me, you drink all the time, you hurt me, and you act like that's okay. But it's not. So I'm breaking up with you. Enough is enough."

Anger appears in his eyes and suddenly that fear is back.

"I-I mean-"

You're cut off by the black-haired stranger stepping in front of you.

"Hey, you heard her. Back off."

(Y/BF/N) looks at both of you for a few more seconds before storming out of the store.

A sigh of relief escapes your lips.

"Are you okay?"


You rub your arm and wince as you find a bruise you didn't know you had.

"So, what is your name anyways?"

"(Y/n). And you?"


You wrap your arms around him tightly.

"Thank you, Kevin."

"Y-Yeah, anytime."

Someone coughs awkwardly and you let go of Kevin to see the previously mentioned green-eyed man and his partner.

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