Destiel idk

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Castiel steps into the bar, fingers pulling at a frayed string on his trench coat. Castiel had never stepped foot in a bar before. And certainly not one like this. He looks around nervously, yanking the string off his trench coat and unconsciously dropping it on the floor. Public places made him nervous, but he was here looking for his brother, Gabriel. Usually Gabriel would call Lucifer, as they were so close. But their father had sent Lucifer off to college, and so when Gabriel gets drunk off his ass, Castiel is the one he calls to bring him home.

Cas shuffles up to the bar, ignoring the women already swooning over him. Girls weren't really his type, if you catch my drift. He sits down on an old swivel stool, massaging his temple. Already the movements of the dancing people and the pounding music are making him nauseous. The bartender slides over to him, staring expectantly. Castiel finally takes notice.

"Nothing for me, please. Just waiting for someone."

She nods, leaving him to his thoughts once more.

An extremely drunk Gabriel stumbles out of the bathroom. Cas immediately stands up, moving to keep his older brother steady.

"Gabriel, what are you doing? You know you have work tomorrow, right?"

The only response he gets is a grunt. Castiel rolls his eyes and pulls his brother by the arm, heading to the door. He's anxious to get out of here. Everyone stares as they exit the bar.

"Hang on, Cassie."

Gabriel wretches and bends down to vomit on the sidewalk, eliciting a disgusted expression from Cas. A low chuckle startles Cas into looking up. It's a man, looks to be around Cas' age. He flicks a cigarette to the ground and stomps on it, crushing the smoldering ember.

Castiel frowns down at the boot. He never encouraged smoking. In fact, he strongly discouraged it. Lucifer used to for awhile, and he only stopped for Cas. Cas and Lucifer had a much different kind of relationship than Lucifer and Gabriel, but they still loved each other nonetheless. Cas pushes those thoughts out of his head as he takes in the man's beautiful features. Those sparkling green eyes, those freckles scattered across his face like stars. Castiel once heard that freckles are really angel kisses. The thought brings a small smile back to his face. He'd understand why this man would have so many.

"He okay?"

Cas' mouth hangs open for a moment before he clamps it shut.

"I'm totally... fine," Gabriel chokes out, breathing in air. "Let me just get in the car..."

Gabriel slowly pulls himself upright and walks to Cas' small car, which is about ten feet away. Cas and the new man watch as Gabriel struggles to open the back door and fall into the seat.

"This happen often?"

A flustered Cas looks at him, formulating an answer.

"This is the first time he's called me."

He feels blood rushing to his face and averts his gaze from the man.

"He a friend?"

"He's my older brother."

The man nods in response. They stand there for a moment, both staring nowhere in particular.

"You gotta name?"


"At the look the man gives him, Cas rushes to explain.

"My family is kind of religious."

He inclines his head but doesn't break eye contact.

"They call me Dean, but you can call me anytime."

Normally, Cas would've frowned at the overused pick-up line, but he can't get over the man in front of him. Those green eyes lit up by a neon sign, that wolfish grin on his face. It's like he's experiencing everything all at once.

"Y'know, I gotta brother, too. His name is Sam. Real smart. Right now I'm saving up to help him go to Stanford."

Castiel looks at the man with newfound respect.

"That's wonderful of you."

"Yeah, I just want him to have it better than me. He deserves more."

Cas frowns at the comment.

"I'm sure you deserve just as much as he does. You seem like a very hardworking person, and at the very least you're kind."

Cas notices a soft blush on Dean's cheeks but doesn't comment on it.

"I'm just a mechanic, nothing special."

"So you have an extensive knowledge on cars then?"

"You could say that." A bit of pride seeps into Dean's voice. "My dad is the one who really got me into them. Right now we're working on this old hot rod down at the shop if you'd ever wanna swing by."

Though Castiel is not much one for cars, he would enjoy talking to this man more.

"I would love to. Would tomorrow work?"

Dean seems slightly taken aback, like he didn't expect him to say yes. But he quickly regain his composure.

"That'll be perfect."

Castiel forces himself to look away from him and cast his eyes into the parking lot. Next to his car he notices a sleek black one that looks far better than his.

"Is that yours?"

He nods toward it, trying to think of what it's called.

"Yep. Isn't she a beauty?"

Cas furrows his brow, still deep in thought.

"'67 Chevy Impala. My dad gave her to me for my birthday a few years back."

Castiel nods, slipping his hand into his pocket.

"CAAAAS, come on!" Gabriel screeches, puking on the ground next to the side door again. Castiel sighs, holding up a finger, indicating for him to wait.

"So, is he your only brother?"

"No. I have two other older brothers, Michael and Lucifer. Then there's Raphael and my little sister Anna."

"Big family."

"Yes, but Lucifer is away at college and Michael moved for his job, which is apparently more important than his family."

A groan interrupts them and Cas heaves a dramatic sigh.

"I can see you probably need to go. Still up for tomorrow?"

Cas smiles.

"I'll see you there."

I'm thinking of turning this into at the least a three parter. What do you think? I really enjoyed writing the conversation between Cas and Dean. I'd really like to expand on Cas' relationship with his brothers. Mostly his relationship with Gabe and Luci. And I'd like to expand on Gabe and Luci's relationship as brothers too. That's actually the main reason I'd like to continue writing this 😅. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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