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I know, the title isn't very creative, but it's like midnight. Gimme a break.

You cross your arms grumpily.

"Dean, I'm tired."

"Okay, then sleep."

You sigh loudly.

"It's not comfortable! Stop at a motel."

"We can't! We just passed the last one in this town."

"Then turn the damn car around!"

"Guys, stop fighting. Look, we can stop at the very next motel we see, okay (Y/n/n)?"

You groan at Sam's words.


Dean looks back towards Sam.

"No way. We're almost there."

Cas sits in the back seat watching the argument unfold.

"Dean, stop being such an ass."

Dean looks over at you.

"You're the one whining like a baby."

"You're being so immature right now Dean. What are you, twelve?" You ask sassily.

"Dean, it's unwise to look away from the road for so long," Cas mumbles nervously. However, neither you or Dean hear him as the sound of screeching tires fills your ears. Your screams pierce the quiet night as a truck rams into the Impala, pushing it into a large tree on the side of the road.


Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Dean, calm down."

"I can't calm down. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have looked away from the road, I shouldn't have argued, I should've just pulled over at the damn motel."

"This wasn't your fault, alright?"

As you wake up a little bit, the voices become clearer. They both sound strained. Your eyes flutter open slowly. You sit up, taking in your surroundings. There are two men by your bed side. You blink up at them curiously.

"Hi, what are your names? My name is..." You trail off. What is my name? You furrow your eyebrows.


You look down at your hand. One of the men is gripping it tightly. Your eyes travel up to his face. He has the most beautiful green eyes you've ever seen. His mouth is slightly open, and his expression looks at the same time sad and confused. His eyes are puffy, almost like he's been crying.


Tears start to well up in your own eyes as another tear rolls down his cheek.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Please don't be sad."

You squeeze his hand and try to reach up and wipe his tears.

"Don't cry, stop crying please."

You look over to the man next to him. The other man has long brown hair. His eyes are puffy as well. His hair is messy, and he looks like he's been awake for days.

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