Amnesia Part Two

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Alright so I finally have an idea of how to finish this. I wrote the first part for this a while ago, so you might wanna go back and read through it again.

You blink a few times and let your eyes adjust to the one bright light hanging from the ceiling.


Why can't I talk?

You try to move your hands to your mouth but find that they can't move either.

What the hell?

A loud noise rips you out of your thoughts.

"(Y/n), you're awake, what a pleasant surprise. To be honest, I didn't quite expect you to live through the night."

You want to ask what happened, but you can't. Instead, you make a noise of resentment. The figure chuckles and walks close enough for you to see who it is.

"Crowley!" You try to say, but it sounds extremely muffled.

"C'mon, we have some things to talk about."

He reaches towards you to help you up and you cower away from him, which almost seems wrong.

Isn't there something else I should be doing?

"Really now, I'm not going to hurt you as long as you cooperate. Now be a good girl and stand up for me."

You reluctantly do so and let him push you out of the cell. But as he moves to grab your wrists, instinct kicks in and you smash your head back into his nose.

"Ah, son of a-"

You run down the hallway, all the while tugging at the ropes binding your wrists together. As you are running, you spot two men at the end of the hall. You avoid their outstretched hands and start fighting them like its something you do all the time, which you realize you probably used to. One of them catches you from behind and flips you over onto the ground, pushing all the air out of your lungs. Struggling for breath, you buck your hips up and down and fling him off and into the other guy.

Finally, your bindings rip apart, allowing you to properly fight. You throw a few punches at the man and after taking a knife from his hand, stab him with it. As if on cue, black smoke erupts from his mouth as well as the other guy's mouth. You watch in awe as they travel back the way you came.

You rip the tape away from your mouth and throw it to the floor.

"What are they?"

But somehow, you already know the answer to that.


You shake your head and make your way down the hallway again, turning wherever there aren't any demons. After coming to multiple dead-ends, you are forced to back-track and make it through the demon-packed hallways.

"Let's do this."

With a burst of sudden confidence, you rush into the group of demons and start wildly hurting them in anyway you can. As you're in the middle of flipping a demon off your back, something pops into your head.

Exorcizamus Te
Omnis Immundus Spiritus

You breath heavily as the demons all attack at once and you have to fight them all off.

Omnis Satanica Potestas

You don't get the chance to finish what you think is some kind of Latin incantation because a bright light blinds you and suddenly all the demons are killed. Someone grabs your arms but you yank them away.

"Stay away from me you-"

You look up to see none other than Castiel.


"You were starting to remember the exorcism."

You don't have time to dwell on it as Crowley rounds the corner. You look between the both of them as they have some kind of stare-off.

"Hello Cas. Lovely seeing you here."

Suddenly, memories crash over your brain like a wave on a beach.

Memories of you killing creature after creature. Demons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, leviathans, and even some Angels. In your sea of memories, you see a demon with yellow eyes. You see a defeated looking Dean making a deal with a demon. You see an old drunk who's been the closest thing to a father you've ever had. You see a distraught Dean and a concerned Castiel, gazing into each other's eyes. You see a supposed prophet named Chuck and Sam and Dean flipping through books with the word "Supernatural" on the spines. You see Sam, pumped up on demon blood, about to kill Lilith. You see a fallen archangel with piercing blue eyes and a malicious smirk on his face. You see Crowley, taunting you from across a dark room. You see an angel with a chocolate bar in hand and a playful smile gracing his lips. You see an angel who was killed at the hands of someone he thought was a friend. You see a red-haired nerd and you poring over a Harry Potter book, and you and Kevin the newest prophet watching in excitement as a Star Wars movie begins. And you find tears falling from your eyes when you see you, Sam, Dean, and Cas, hugging each other like its the last day on Earth.

Your eyes sting as thoughts whip around your head. It's almost like a tornado is spinning around in your brain.


You look at Crowley and then back at Cas.

"Let's go home."

And you do. When you reach the bunker, a grin spreads wide across your face because you see your family running toward you with open arms.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry this was all my fault," Dean says into your shoulder.

"Dean, none of this was your fault."

Next, Sam picks you up and spins you around a bit.

"We were so worried."

"I'm alright. And I remember. Everything. I love you guys."

"We love you, too."

I know, the ending was sappy. Don't judge lol. Hope you are having a wonderful day/night!

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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