I'm Just Your Problem - Gabriel x Reader

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I got the song from Adventure Time if anyone was wondering.

You stand on the make-shift stage, microphone in hand. This was never your idea, but your friends insisted you do it. They knew about your boyfriend and about his death, but you refused to give them the details. The only ones who knew about it were Sam, Dean, and Cas, and you had separated yourself from them a year ago.

So now you're at your college, holding a microphone and scratching your neck uncomfortably. Your friends stand below you, shooting you thumbs-ups and encouraging smiles. You smile at them briefly, but then your eyes dart out to the crowd. Tears were already beginning to form in your eyes. This is something he would've done. Pushed you past your comfort zone. You take a deep breath through your nose and let it out through your mouth.

"This song is pretty short, just something I heard from a TV show once..." You don't let your eyes linger on any one place for too long. "So I'll just sing it now..."

You sniff without making it too obvious that you want to cry.

Sorry I'm not made of sugar
And I'm not sweet enough for you
Is that why you always avoid me?
That must be such an inconvenience to you

You can still see the memories playing in your mind as if it had just happened yesterday. First come all the happy memories. Him cracking ridiculously awful jokes and the laughter that you always tried to stifle afterwards. You always ended up crying with laughter. Or all the dates you had been on. Zoos and aquariums, museums and parks, picnics and amusement parks, candy stores and movie theaters, fancy restaurants and crappy diners. Your first kiss, first "I love you", first everything. The hilarious pranks you'd pull on each other and the boys. You remember the time he put hair dye in your shampoo and turned your hair bright pink. You were mad until he told you it actually looked great. The cuddling, the not-so-innocent make-sessions, the lazy days.

And then your mind recalls the fights you'd have sometimes. It was almost always over something you did. He thought you were reckless. And sometimes you were. But it's not like you did that shit for kicks! You did it to help people. He didn't seem to understand that. He always left afterwards. You figured it was to cool down, but you weren't going to assume. The first time, it scared you. He didn't answer your prayers and when you saw him a week later, you were too angry to speak to him. The next day, you apologized. This is how it always went. But not this time. You never got the chance.

I'm just your problem
I'm just your problem
It's like I'm not even a person, am I?
I'm just your problem

You had went with the boys that night, partly to help them get the job done and partly to keep watch over them. You didn't want them doing anything stupid. They seemed to be pretty good at that. Things were going good enough, but then suspicions began springing up in your mind. You can see the events unfolding in your mind's eye.

You remember seeing him that night and being surprised. You remember being kind of angry that he hadn't notified you of his presence beforehand, and you had a bit of an argument, but neither of you were in the mood to fight. You quickly made up, exchanging a quick kiss before getting back to business.

Things started rolling downhill after that. You and the boys were captured, and Gabriel wasn't really helping things. You remembered the feeling of hurt and jealousy when he mentioned Kali. Ugh. She wasn't even that good-looking in your opinion. And you had no idea what he saw in her.

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