This - Dean x Reader

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You had been cowering in the corner of your bedroom closet. A symphony of quiet footsteps sounded from downstairs. Screams echoed up and caused you to clamp your hands over your ears and squeeze your eyes shut. Never had you heard anything quite so terrifying.

Those were your friends down there. And you were sitting there like a coward. Your eyes hardened as you got up to grab your gun, but you fell back down when the footsteps moved up to your floor. They moved quickly and quietly  past your apartment and into several others.

Finally, your doorknob jiggled. When you had seen the first signs of a break-in, you had locked the door. But that didn't help, as the person kicked your door open anyways. Whoever it was walked around slowly, taking his sweet time in getting to your room.

Your skin crawled with anticipation. As you sat there, wild thoughts flew around your head. But mostly, it was the same question over and over.

What is going to happen to me?

"Come out, come out wherever you are, darling."

His voice carried through the apartment. You could hear the sound of furniture screeching across the floor.

"I know you're here somewhere."

Doors opened and then shut quietly.

"Why don't you make this easier for both of us and come out? I just want to ask you some questions."

He padded into your room quietly. You peeked through one of the slats. He cast his eyes around the room which had pictures of family and friends everywhere. You watched the figure as he continued to look around. Once his gaze fell on the closet you were hiding in, and you had to bite your lip to keep from screaming.

How could he look so calm? He looked as if he had done this a million times before. He didn't even really look like the type to be doing something like this. He wore lots of black, which you supposed is what people might wear when doing something like this, but he wore it in the form of a black tuxedo and a black overcoat. The only color showing was a blood red rose he had pinned to his overcoat for whatever reason.

Even if it seemed strange to wear something like that while going on a killing spree, he did look rather... Well, evil!

You used your hand to muffle your breathing. He walked out of the room and you let out a huge sigh.

He's gone.

You were just about to stand when the sound of gunshots rung through the apartment. It went off again and again and again. A clunking sound came from not far away and soft footsteps came back into your room. Through the slats in the door, you could see the polished shoes in extreme detail.

He's right here. Maybe if I just-

The closet door slammed open and you pulled away. You slammed your head back and smashed it on the wall behind you. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears, causing the splitting pain in your head to worsen.

"Hide-and-seek is over, sweetheart."

You crawled between his legs and stood up, lunging for the glistening blade in his hand. He grabbed your leg and twisted it around. A sickening crack sounded throughout the apartment and you screamed out in pain. He dropped your leg and you collapsed to the floor in mangled sobs.

"Nice try, darling. But it's not going to be that easy."

For a moment he stood above you, simply watching your shoulders shake with your sobs. He crouched down next to you and pressed the cold blade against your face. Your sobs quieted for a moment as you managed to grab the blade from him and throw it out your conveniently open window. It was the only thing you could think to do.

You almost smiled triumphantly, until you saw the longer, shiny blade he was pulling out of his pocket. He took it and slowly carved into your face with it, causing loud screams to tear out of your throat. Tears glistened on your face and mixed with blood. He continued to do this for minutes, plunging it into your thigh with malice.

"Now I think I've got my point across. You're going to answer some questions for me, and if you don't... Well, I think you've figured out what will happen then."

You would've passed out from blood loss and from the screaming, crying, and pain enduring you were doing, but loud footsteps crashed into your room and tore the person off of you. You gasped in relief. The newcomer stabbed the intruder with a blade of his own.

"Come on Dean, you know that won't work on me."

The slightly taller figure who must be Dean flew across the room and slammed into your bedroom wall. He grunted in obvious pain. Another man, much taller than both intruders, ran into the room with a small gun in hand. He pointed it at the first man without hesitation.

"Moose, glad you could join the party."

"Give it up Crowley. What do you even need her for? She hasn't done anything wrong. She's not even a hunter. We checked."

Crowley? Hunter?

Crowley sighed, and his arm fell to his side. Dean slid from the wall to the floor and gasped, sucking in air.

"You know what, as much as I'd like to waste my time here, I really don't feel like it. Don't think I won't be back for the girl. She has important information that I need."

And with that, he disappeared.

Dean stood up shakily and stepped closer and crouched down next to you. You didn't care who he was or what he was doing. He saved you. You struggled to sit up. After a second, he helped you to lean against your bed and he got closer to you.

"Are you okay?"

You laughed at the stupid question and wrapped your arms around the man, tears still leaking out of your eyes.

Normally, you would've replied with some kind of sassy, sarcastic comment like "I was just nearly murdered, but yeah, I'm fine." But you couldn't bring yourself to be rude to this guy who just saved you, even if you have no clue who he is.

"No, actually," you chuckled bitterly.

"Can you stand?"

"Probably not. I'm pretty sure my leg is broken. That guy... Crowley? He twisted my leg and it made this horrible snapping noise. So no, pretty sure I can't stand."

Despite the pain and the situation, you half-smiled at him. Your eyes, finally fully adjusted to the dark, studied his face. Freckles peppered his face and his green eyes popped.

Whoever this guy is, he's pretty hot.

A blush appeared on your cheeks, but if he could see it, he didn't say anything.

"Alright, I'm gonna pick you up, and carry you down to my car, okay? We'll get you patched up and everything. Now, this might hurt, so..."

He tucked his arm underneath your legs and pulled you up. You gasped out as pain shot through your leg.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. It was an accident," you replied through gritted teeth. He walked toward your door.

"C'mon Sammy, we better take her to Cas." The taller man nodded and moved ahead of you.

"Wait, what about my stuff?"

"We'll get you more stuff later or we can come back for it. Right now, priority number one is getting you all fixed up."

You held back a groan. You never really liked having to depend on others. You wrapped your arms around his neck to help support yourself and leaned your head against his chest.

"Thank you."

In your last seconds of consciousness, you heard him sigh.

"No problem, sweetheart. Get some rest."

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