Lose-ifer - Lucifer x Reader

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Hi guys so I was hanging with my bestie blushingdestiel and we came up with this idea cause we were playing bingo and I was pretending to get angry and throw a little fit, which in turn reminded them of Luci. I'll do part two of amnesia next time I update.

"(Y/n), I think you should stay back for this one."

"But Dean-"

"But nothing! You're sick, you're tired, you can barely walk without falling down, and you haven't eaten in days!"

"Dean, I can handle this, I'll eat something, and I'll try to get a nap on the way there, please!" You beg.

"(Y/n), please. We'll bring you something back."

Sam looks at you with his puppy eyes. Damnit. He knows they're your weakness.

"Fine," you groan, looking at the archangel currently sitting in the corner of the room.

Lucifer smiles at you and waves. Sam and Dean don't know but you've been seeing Lucifer for some time now. You've tried to be strong, tried not to show it, but lately the boys have been noticing you haven't been looking or feeling that great. Dean gives you a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"We'll see ya soon."

You turn to hug Sam.

"Hurry back Sammy," you whisper quietly.

"Alright, (Y/n). Stay safe, don't leave the bunker."

You nod at him and wave as they close the door. Immediately after they leave, your facade drops. You fall onto the couch and try not to cry.

"Awe, what's wrong buttercup?"

"Lucifer, please."

A single, hot tear escapes your eye.

"C'mon (Y/n), I'm not that bad," he lies, casually walking over to play with your hair. For a few seconds, you don't respond, trying to stop your tears.

"Yes, you are," your voice breaks.

You sit up, pulling your hair away from him. His eyes follow you as you walk to the kitchen, figuring you should try to eat. You fix yourself a piece of toast. As you try to choke it down, Lucifer sits across from you.


You ignore him, finishing your toast and throwing away the paper plate.


You continue to pretend not to hear him.

"(Y/n), pay attention to me, I'm bored!"

"Y'know what? Fine."

You stomp to your bedroom and emerge with an old beat up board game.

"What are you doing?" Lucifer stares at you as you get all the pieces out and set up the game.

"You wanted me to pay attention to you, now I'm paying attention to you. Sit your ass down."

He sits across from you again.

"Okay, so this game is called Sorry."

You explain the rules as quickly as possible, wanting to get it over with. You choose red and he chooses blue. At first you have to help him, but soon he gets the hang of it. The first time, it's an easy win for you.

"Ha! Looks like I win!" You laugh, smiling for the first time in weeks.

"Hey, hey. What do you call an angel that never wins?"

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