Just a Day in the Life of Y/n

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You pumped your foot to the beat of a song only you could hear. Your small bed was neatly made and all of your clothes were put away in their proper drawers. You picked up a candy bar wrapper and tossed it into a waste bin in the corner of your small room. It's small, but it's yours.

You are currently still living with your parents. Not because you don't make enough money or anything. You could afford to buy a house right now, possibly bigger than the one your parents own. But you remain at the small home in order to take care of your younger siblings, Mark and Jack.

Mark is about 15, old enough to be able to take a little bit more care of himself than he really does. Sometimes this upsets you, but you know that even if he did take care of himself you would still hang around and try to take care of him. Jack is 10, and despite what you might think from the name, is a girl. Her real name isn't actually Jack. It's just easier to say Jack rather than Jacqueline every time you need her.

Mark's hair is dyed an unnatural red color. Your parents hadn't even cared when they saw him the next day, red hair all floofed up from sleeping all night. But when you saw it, you nearly exploded. Red hair? It only made him more noticeable! And in your eyes, being noticed always led to trouble.

Back when you were in school, you always had the worst clothes. While all the other girls were wearing beautiful dresses and tank tops that showed way too much cleavage, you were wearing grungy t-shirts and combat boots. Your teeth stuck out at an odd angle and you were usually pretty clumsy. This being so, of course everyone had to notice.

Kids would corner you everywhere to the point where you were constantly late to class. You slowly stopped going to the cafeteria for lunch and just brought a paper sack lunch and ate it in the restroom. But this didn't work either, as girls would often come in to check their makeup and gossip about which boy had the cutest eyebrows or whatever.

So you found a small sanctuary outside the school. It was a closed in area that as far as you knew, nobody had ever seen or noticed before. It was beautiful really. During the spring flowers would bloom with the help of the sun shining through the canopy of leaves above. During the summer, animals and insects alike would come out and soon, they even allowed you to pet them.

One day you were startled to see a fox creeping towards you. However, it was friendly enough. You fed it a bit of your sandwich and since then he had come out everyday to see you. In the fall, orange leaves fell down and surrounded your feet. The crunching sound made you smile. It was especially pretty during the winter, if a bit cold. Snow would fall through the bare branches and surround you. It glittered in the afternoon sun.

But soon enough, you were old enough to get a job. You quickly snatched a job at a small fast food place near your cramped home and made enough money to afford to get braces, which eradicated your tooth problem. Now that you had a job, you could also afford to get more clothes. You bought yourself t-shirts declaring your love for bands and tv shows. Pretty soon, no one paid any attention to the girl with dull eyes and a rarely seen smile.

When you graduated from high school, you didn't bother trying to get a higher education. You couldn't. Taking care of of your siblings took up most of your time. Your new job at the retail store a few blocks away supported you well enough.

Your parents were growing old. Your dad had just been laid off and your mom hadn't been working to begin with. You sold your car to have more money to spend on Mark and Jack and to help pay bills. You bought yourself a bike, telling yourself the exercise would be good for you anyways.


Last night there was a murder in the next town over. It has scared most of the people populating your small town. But of course it would. And even if they weren't at all affected by it in any way, people always love to talk.

You left your parents with Mark and Jack that evening. You told them you'd only be gone for an hour or two. You decided to bike over to the next town. Despite your annoyance at people who were nosy, you were a bit nosy, too.

You made it there in record time, a drop of sweat rolling down your face and falling on the ground. Despite the heat in your face, it was freezing outside. It had recently snowed but it didn't look at all beautiful. It was all slushed together and the brilliant white had faded to a grey color. Christmas lights were
hanging up but they were all blown out and broken.

You sighed at the dreariness of it all and slowed your bike down as you neared a small house. The snow out front was dyed red with blood. Cops were still mulling about, taking notes on small pads of paper and rubbing their chins in thought. You caught someone's eyes from across the driveway. He was wearing a suit. Two other men stood nearby, tracking his gaze to you.

Your eyes lit up with curiosity. You hadn't been over in this town often, but you knew everyone here, and they certainly had never been here before. The shortest one squinted at you suspiciously. You dropped your eyes, embarrassed at being noticed. You turned to leave and picked up the pace when you heard gravel crunching behind you.

You bumped into someone and immediately a blush appeared on your cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

You peered up and your mouth opened in surprise. It was the man with blue eyes, the one who was just staring at you a minute ago. But... wasn't he just right behind you?

You backed up but bumped into yet another person.


You turned to see the green-eyed man, the first one you had noticed. You turned and practically squeaked at the tallest man.


"It's fine, it's okay."

He hunched down a little, noticing the fear that must have been showing plainly in your eyes.

"We just want to ask you a few questions."

You narrowed your eyes, forgetting your rule to not be too noticeable.

"Who's asking?"


The two taller ones showed you an ID. The one in a trench coat stood awkwardly for a moment before pulling out an ID and showing it to you upside down. You smiled slightly and turned it right-side up.

"Okay agents. I can't tell you much. I wasn't here last night and I don't live here either. Next town over," you said, keeping your sentences short.

"That's alright. Just tell us what you do know. Do you know who lived there?"

You looked up at the house.

"I think so. It was a girl with blonde hair, pretty energetic and way too flirtatious. What was her name? Ashley? Something like that."

"She have any connections to anyone in town?"

"Well, she was dating this super rich guy for awhile. Major dick. He dumped her for a girl with more money and bigger boobs. Almost feel bad."

"Is there anyone who would want to hurt her?"

"Nope. Not unless anyone was still holding grudges from high school."

"You went to school together?"

"Yep. She was never mean to anybody as long as they were pretty like her or popular. Anyone less popular than her was basically garbage. She would always say the meanest things."

Your eyes glazed over, remembering the treatment she gave you back then.

"She dated nearly every guy on the football team more than once. And of course they were in on it too. They were assholes. All of them," you said vehemently.

Green eyes raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds like you aren't quite over it either."

A blush formed on your face.

"Sorry. It's just that for me, it wasn't just in high school. It started when I was young. Up until I turned 17, when I became invisible."

"Alright, that's it. Thank you for answering our questions. You have a nice night kid."

"You too, agents."

You smiled at them shyly and walked away with a small wave. The one with blue eyes watched as you hopped back on your bike and slowly made your way back home.

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