Paper Kisses - Castiel x Reader

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Rustling paper sounds throughout the bunker, the only noise disturbing the silence. Origami butterflies, cranes, bunnies, and flowers litter the table in all different colors. Pastels mostly, but also some more solid colors, and even some animal print ones. You hum softly, concentrating on the soft purple colored piece of paper in your hand.

Sam and Dean are still sleeping, though you consider getting them up since it's nearly one o'clock. But you decide not to disturb them. They had a long night last night. Sticking your tongue out in concentration, you finish the last crease and add another crane to the paper menagerie.

You grab the nearest piece of paper and begin folding it into a bunny, getting so absorbed in the activity that you don't notice that you begin to sing softly.

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
And when the stars all fall down
They'll empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me
Everything's alright


You look up, startled by Cas' sudden appearance.

"Oh, hey."

You look back down at your finished bunny and set it in a circle of origami flowers.

"What are you doing?"

"Origami. You can fold paper into shapes."

He looks at the multitude of animals and flowers arranged on the table.

"But what is the point?"

You think on it for a second, staring at your hands as they go through the steps of folding a butterfly.

"Well, they're pretty. And the whole process is kind of soothing and calm, not too fast-paced."

He nods, sitting in the chair next to you. You place the pastel pink butterfly next to a rose.

"Can you teach me?"

You look up from your next piece of paper, a smile brightening your features.

"Sure! Here, pick any color you want."

You slide over the stack of papers and watch as he sifts through them, finally deciding on a light blue one.

You walk through the steps with him and he gets through those easily enough. But then the more difficult steps begin.

"Next you need to do a petal fold. Watch..."

You demonstrate on your own paper a few times.

"Alright, now you try."

You watch patiently as he tries to follow your example but fails.

"Try again."

He tries again and fails (again).


You lean over his shoulder, holding his hands steady and telling him to fold it ever so slightly to the left or right when needed.

"That's it. Now you gotta do the same thing to the the other side."

You linger at his shoulder, watching him repeat the steps on the other side.

"Like this?"

He tilts his head to meet your eyes and you do the same.


You lean in unconsciously and before you can tell what's happening, your lips are touching and you're melting into the kiss. You only pull away at the sound of a loud cough. You shoot up, blushing at your brothers.

"Woah, did not need to see that."

Dean covers his eyes but you just stand there, mouth half open.

"I'm gonna... y'know, go make breakfast or something..." Sam mumbles and makes a fast get-away.

Dean only uncovers his eyes once you've made it a safe distance away from Cas.

"I didn't know you were going to-"

"Listen, (Y/n), I don't really care. If you two are gonna be together, great. But don't let me see any of that shit happening again."

He turns away before you can answer and follows Sam.

"Gross," he says to himself, leaving you and Cas alone.

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