Castiel Imagine

502 11 4

Had the idea for this at like midnight last night and decided to write it out here before I forgot about it. Hope you enjoy it.

You grip the knife in your hand, but the tighter your hold on it becomes, the more slippery it gets. From sweat or tears, you can't tell. Nothing had really happened that would set any normal person off, but you could feel it.

Something was horribly wrong. It writhed around in your gut, and bile threatened to rise in your throat. But you pushed it down, grabbing your largest knife and locking yourself in your bedroom.

This probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but if not this, than what else? At least this way, you had your balcony. If push comes to shove, you'll have to jump down to the floor below, but that's ok. Better a broken leg than death. Right?

The night is silent, which further bothers you. It's never this quiet. Not here. Cars are always driving by, or music pumps from the apartment next door, or the groans of a man and a different woman almost every night. But this silence, it isn't right.

Finally, a noise interrupts your racing thoughts. It's so faint, you almost think you imagined it. But then you here another sound following the first one. It sounds like... Something feral. An animal. It's impossible, but you could swear it sounds like... A wolf? But it couldn't be. Not in the city, and certainly not in your apartment.

The floorboards outside creak as a sniffing sound makes your ears prick up. The sound of nails scratching on your door sends your heart into a frenzy, but the scratching quickly ends when the fluttering of wings announces the presence of someone else. Or something else? But there can't be animals here. Another sound further confuses you. Someone opens your front door, and you hear the sound of a gun being cocked and the soft sound of quiet whispers. What is going on?

You press your ear against the cool touch of your white, wooden door. And then the door splinters into pieces. A scream tears out of your lungs and you stab blindly. The knife lodges into something solid, but whatever it is doesn't seem fazed. Your hand slips off the handle and you topple backwards. The form in front of you grips the knife and yanks the knife out of its shoulder, and it clatters to the floor. Sweat trickles down your forehead, mixing with the blood that is also starting to drizzle from the tiny cuts on your face.

It moves into the light from the full moon filtering through your window, and you see the feral glint in his eye. No, it's eye. Whatever it is, it's not human. It can't be with the long nails and several rows of sharp teeth. The beast jumps on top of you, dragging its claws down your arm. You screech loudly and manage to get it off of you. But its claws catch your ankle and dig into that as well. You bite your lip so hard it begins bleeding, but you don't let out another sound of pain.

It hurts like hell, but you manage to drag yourself away from the beast and to your balcony door. It removes its claws from your ankle and you nearly cry in relief. But then it's pulling you back to the bedroom door. You elbow it without really watching what you're doing and pull yourself onto your feet. You are forced to use the bed for balance as the claws went straight through everything and to the bone. Blood spurts out of your wound and onto your white carpet, permanently staining it.

The pain is too much, you can't keep it in. Some kind of loud sound is piercing your ears, it's awful. You smash your hands over your ears, only to realize the awful sound is your own screaming. But you can't stop. You keep screaming, screaming so loud you can't hear your own thoughts. You don't even register the tears cascading down your face.

The beast looks ready to lunge again, but something grabs it from behind. You don't care who has come to your rescue, you shoot for the balcony door. However, your progress is hampered by your leg injury, and tears of frustration start to fall with the tears of pain. You struggle to unlatch it, but something else rips you away.

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