Destiel idk P.3

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After that morning at the garage, Castiel and Dean had been together for months.  But as every couple does once in awhile, they had a fight. If you asked Cas now, he wouldn't even remember what the fight was about. Only that he was so upset, so angry and sad all at once. Cas, being a bit naive, thought their relationship would last forever. And it has so far. But at the time, it felt like he'd never be in a relationship again, not with anyone. At the first sign of a fight, he had tried to back up, to avoid it. But it was too late. Minutes later they were screaming at each other and minutes after that Castiel was breaking away from Dean and running out of his house.

Tears blurred his vision, but he ran past Gabriel and his father and jumped in his car, pulling out of the driveway before he even got his seatbelt on. He swerves a little but clears away the tears enough to drive to the place he knew he was heading from the start. As he drives, his radio begins playing a song that only worsens Cas' mood.

Can anybody find me, somebody to love

Cas grits his teeth and tries to keep the tears at bay, but as the song rises in volume, he pulls over at the side of the road. He smashes the off button and holds himself, wrapping his arms around his own shoulders. It's the technique he was taught by his oldest brother.

"When I'm not here, wrap your arms around yourself and close your eyes. Imagine it's me. And I'll get there as soon as I can."

But the pain is so harsh, so terrible Cas can almost feel it physically, like a knife twisting around in his back, like fire. He lets out an almost animalistic noise and forces the tears away, swerving onto the road and getting back on course.

He pulls up outside the dorm rooms and slams the brakes. He hopes that his big brother will be here. He hasn't needed his brother like this in a long time, but he needs him now. He bursts through the door, not caring as college students stare at him. He carries himself up the stairs and finally stops at his brother's room. He knocks impatiently on the door, tears brimming in his eyes.

Too many minutes later, Lucifer opens the door.

"Cas?" His younger brother finally can't hold it in anymore and tears spill out everywhere.

"Lucifer, I-"

Castiel's voice cracks and his older brother pulls him inside, shutting the door quickly.

"What're you doing here, buddy?"

Castiel doesn't answer, sniffling. Lucifer takes in the tears on his face and then spots a hickey on his neck. "

"Cas, were you-"

"No, I was not. I have a boyfriend. Had..."

More tears slip out.

Lucifer looks angry but he wraps his arms around Cas in a much-needed hug. Cas starts crying even harder. It's been so long, so long, since his brother had held him like this. It takes him back to when they were younger. It would've been a few years ago, just before Lucifer was getting sent off to college. Cas had a breakdown then, a panic attack. Not even Gabriel or his father could console him. Only Lucifer could help him feel better.

"Did he hurt you?"

Cas nods into his chest. Lucifer squeezes hard for a moment.

"You want me to beat him up?"

Cas pulls away in slight surprise.

"What? No! I love him."

"But he hurt you."

"That... yes, he did. But I hurt him, too. And it... it doesn't matter. I still love him. No matter how many fights we have." Cas turns the words over in his head and realizes they're true. "I should go fix things."

He nods to himself, wiping the tears from his slightly red face.

"You sure you don't want me to beat him up?"

Cas lets out a shaky laugh.

"No, Lucifer. I don't want you to beat him up." He looks at his older brother with a mixture of adoration and love. "But I'd like to stay here for a few moments before I go."

Lucifer wraps him an embrace again and the two stay like that for a minute or two.

"Thank you, brother."


Castiel moves to leave but stops at the door.



"I..." Cas hesitates. "I love you."

"Love you, too, Cas. Now go get that boy of yours back."

And he did.

The end.

That wasn't very Destiel, but oh my Chuck I really wanted to write something about little brother Cas and big brother Lucifer. I hope I get to write more stuff like this in the future.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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