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You burst outside the door with tears slipping out of your eyes. He's dead. No, he can't be. Tears make your vision blurry and you trip and fall, sliding down next the impala.

"What the shit. What the motherfucking shit!" You yell, banging your hands on the ground until they bleed.

"Pssst! Hey!" Someone whisper-yells from inside Baby. You sniff and look up and into the window. The faint outline of someone shows through the windows and you almost scream when you see him. Gabriel.

"Act natural."

You smile despite the tears on your face. He's such a child. He smiles a little back.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna leave you."


You run down the hall, tears already forming in your eyes. You can't see very well, but you can see the blood everywhere. On the walls, the floor. Even on the ceiling. Dead bodies are scattered everywhere. The door in front of you is closed for whatever reason, and you bang on it and push on it with all your might. The pain from your bleeding hands threatens to make tears spill out of your eyes, but you suck it up and keep pushing.

"Open the door!"

Finally, after a few good kicks, it flies open.

But just as it does, you see a man with blond hair plunging a shining blade into Gabriel. Your heart nearly jumps out of your throat as you scream louder than you ever have in your life. You will never forget the look of hurt and betrayal on your angel's face as he is killed at the hands of his own brother.


An inhuman screech erupts from your mouth. Lucifer turns around, blood on his hands. When he sees you, his eyes soften, but only a fraction.

"I am sorry, I had to do that."


You march up to him and get closer than you ever have before.

"I am going to kill you."



You stare into his cold eyes and he looks down. In one blink of your eye, he is gone.

You fall down next to Gabriel, crying freely.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME! GABRIEL, WAKE UP DAMNIT! This is a prank. That's all. He'll pop up any minute and it'll be fine. Or it's a dream. I'll wake up in bed with him next to me. Right?"

You pinch your arm, but nothing happens. Sam and Dean stand behind you, not quite sure what to do.

You pat your angel's face.


Your voice breaks and your face crumbles. You curl in on yourself, his head in your lap.

"You said you wouldn't leave."

It's barely audible. The only one who can hear it is you. Tears stream down your face at an alarming rate and as one falls on his face, you wipe it away.

However, your crying does not last long. You stand up.

"This is all your fault! You weren't here fast enough, you stood there! How could you just stand by as he was killed? You should've helped him!"

"(Y/n), listen-" You smack Dean in the face. A red mark is clear on his face, and your hand is stinging from the cuts all over it and from the contact with Dean's face, but you don't care. He looks surprised, but when he realizes what happened, he doesn't hit you back. You've never hit him since you've met. Not even smacked him playfully.

Your face crumbles again as you collapse on the floor. It's happening. You can feel it. A panic attack. You hadn't had very many since you met Gabriel, and whenever you did, he was always there.

But he isn't here anymore. The techniques aren't working. Nothing is working. Dean can't comfort you, but you let him guide you to the car anyways. The seat is still slightly warm from when Gabriel was sitting there earlier and you cry even harder.

When you get to a different motel, you lock yourself in the bathroom and fall asleep on the floor, thinking about the angel you just lost.

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