Nerd - Sam x Reader

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This is just a chapter showing off what a nerd I am. Seriously, major nerd.

"Can you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men," you sing and hum the rest to yourself as you round the corner. Sam looks up from the table.

"Are you singing what I think you are singing?"

"Les Miserables!" You shout, plopping down next to him.

(Yes, I realize I am a huge geek for including that but omg Les Miserables is actually really good. My band teacher had us watch it and it was great. I recommend it.)

He shakes his head at you but a smile slips into his face.

"You're such a nerd," he mumbles.

"Oh, I'm the nerd?" You laugh unbelievingly. "If anyone is a nerd, it's you!"

"Alright, remind me again who's read the Harry Potter series four times! And the one who is obsessed with Lord of the Rings. And Divergent, and blah blah blah," you tune him out as he goes on and on about the extent of your nerdiness.

"Oh come on, that's not even fair!"

"Get over it!"

"Alright now you're just acting immature!"

"Oh, I'm the one being immature?"

"Yeah, you are!"

"You're the one who stays up reading gay fan fictions about Dean and Cas all night long!"

"You do it too!"

"Yeah, well-" 


You both look up to see a sleepy Dean and a confused Cas.

"Oh, morning boys!" You smile cheerfully.

"Good morning, (Y/n). Sam."

Cas nods.

"What are you two even arguing about?" Dean asks, filling a mug with hot coffee.

"Oh, just that (Y/n) is a huge nerd."

You glare at Sam but he only sticks his tongue out at you. Obviously, Gabriel's childishness has been affecting him.

"You should really stop spending so much time with your archangel boyfriend, he's starting to rub off on you."

"Shut up, he's not my boyfriend!"

Sam's face turns a bright shade of red.


"It is true. Gabriel and Sam are not in a relationship of any kind," Cas chimes in, sitting down as well.

"Thank you Cas!"

"Well if you aren't dating, then you have a crush on him!" "I

"I do not!" Sam yells, his face turning even more red, if that's even possible at this point.

"Sammy and Gabriel, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" You shout in a sing-songy voice.

"Stop it!" Sam whines, sounding very much like a five year old child. You continue singing.

"That's it, come here!"

You jump up and run away from the table, knocking over a chair in the process.

"Catch me if you can Sammy boy!" You laugh. He is much faster than you, and you know it too. But you keep running away from him anyways. Instead of speed, you decide to try and confuse him by zigzagging and running around everywhere. You run down random hallways you didn't even know were in the bunker. At one point he reaches forward and snags your jacket, so you abandon it and start running around in just your t-shirt and shorts.

"You'll never take me alive!"

You run one direction and then double back so as to confuse him even more. You place a finger over your mouth when Dean notices you hiding in his room.

"(Y/n), get out of my room!" He says loudly, probably so that Sam will hear.


Dean chuckles and waves as Sam runs in and grabs you around the waist and carries you out of the room.

"Don't have too much fun."

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