Christmas Lights

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It is now past Thanksgiving so I'm going to be posting a lot more Christmas-related imagines. Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, not even joking.

A Santa hat sits on your head. Thanksgiving has past, which means Christmas time is almost here.

"C'mon, pleeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeee?" You ask, standing on your tiptoes to look Dean in the eyes.

"We have to! Don't be such a grinch! Get the Christmas spirit!"

You switch sides and lean on his shoulder.




"Damnit, just tell her we'll go!" Sam interrupts.

"Fine, fine!"

You throw your hands up in the air in celebration.

"Yay!!! Go get ready."

The boys throw on their normal clothes, causing you to frown. They don't look festive in any way.

"Here, put these on."

They roll their eyes but put on the Santa hats.

"Can we just go already?"

"Nope! We are missing two very important people."

"And who would that be?"

"Um, duh! Cas? And Gabriel? Geez Dean, I swear your brain gets smaller every day."

He opens his mouth to retaliate but shuts it again at the death glare you give him.

"Castiel, if you aren't busy with your angel business, we really need you here."

The fluttering of wings sounds behind you.

"What do you need (Y/n)?"

"Oh good, you're here."

You plunk a Santa hat onto his head with a smile.

"We are going to see Christmas lights. You are coming too!"

"I am?"

"Yes, you are!"


He doesn't put up a fight. When you want something, you get it. You were kind of spoiled in that way. But everyone loved spoiling the youngest Winchester. They gave you everything. You were the only Dean would give up the last piece of pie for. They rarely raised their voices at you, even if they were angry. And when you did get into arguments, they always apologized to you first. Yeah, they loved you.

"Alright, now that that is settled..." you rub your hands together to stay warm in the cold air. "Gabriel, we are going to see Christmas lights since Christmas is only the best time of the year. I was wondering if maybe you might want to come with? It's okay if you don't want to, I just figured-"

"You kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Your foot slips in the snow and you brace for impact with the ground. But you never touch the ground. His arms are wrapped around your torso, keeping you from touching the ground.

"Looks like you fell for me."

"Shut up Gabriel," you answer, letting him help you up.

Sam and Dean share a look. You aren't ever like that about anything. You are always more demanding about things and when you don't get your way, you aren't happy about it. It's not like you throw a tantrum or anything, but you tend to let people know when you are upset with them. But with him you actually aren't demanding about anything. Sometimes you even appear to be shy.

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