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Yes I know these characters weren't alive at the same time but I really want to include everyone so I am. Most holiday-themed imagines will be like this. It'll be a family kind of thing. Anyways, read on!


Gabe spins around with a guilty look on his face.


"But (Y/n), I helped make them!"

You place a hand on your hip.

"I don't care if you helped make them, that doesn't mean you get to eat them all!"

"Y'know (Y/n)..." he smirks easily at you and walks a little closer. "You're really cute when you get mad."

Your face reddens with the comment but you try to remain angry rather than flustered.


Gabriel, looking slightly alarmed, grabs a few more cookies.

"I gotta get out of here."

And with that he runs out of the kitchen.

You struggle to hide a smile and end up smiling at him anyways.

"Sammy, do me a favor and make an extra batch of cookies? Gabe just ate like ten of them."

"Got it."

He is wearing an apron, which you forced him to wear. It's all flowery, and it has little woodland creatures on it. It's also too small for him as you bought it in your size, but he continues to wear it anyways, if only to make you happy.

You watch Sam start the cookies and are about to leave to finish putting up decorations when you hear a crashing sound.

"God damnit."

Chuck looks as if he is going to say something about your comment but when you turn to ask what he wants, he looks down.

"N-never mind."

Your eyes soften a little.

"Sorry, Chuck. Just a little stressed. Here. Why don't you help Sam make more cookies?"

You hand him an oven mitt.


He takes it from you and shuffles over to Sam. The word "Nebraska" stands out in blue letters on the back of his shirt. You shake your head at him and march into the next room.

Dean is laying on the floor, a beer bottle shattered next to him. A step ladder is laying on the floor as well, broken in half. Gabriel stands off to the side, finishing his last cookie with a small smile on his lips. Cas kneels down next to Dean.

"Are you alright, Dean?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm just peachy," Dean replies sarcastically, shooting an angry look at Gabriel, who sticks his tongue out at him.

"Alright, who was it?"

"He did it!" Dean and Gabriel say and point at each other simultaneously. Castiel looks between the two doubtfully.

"You alright, Dean?" Dean opens his mouth, about to reply with another sarcastic remark, but freezes at the look on your face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got the wind knocked out of me."

Cas helps him up off the floor. You turn to Gabriel.

"Alright Gabe, what did you do?"

"Well... I might've accidentally, umm... Kicked the step ladder while Dean was still on it."

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