This Stupid Song - Destiel

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I decided to write more Destiel because who doesn't need Destiel? And I hate the Twilight series and I know this song is cheesy and shit but when I was younger I actually used to sit and listen to it over and over and please don't think I'm stupid but I still kinda like it oops. So without further ado, here we go.

Song used: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Castiel takes a seat on the bleachers, letting out a sigh. He had never planned to come to this dance. But of course, Charlie had to make him feel bad and finally coerced him into attending. He loved Charlie, and she knew that, too, so she often liked to use it against him. This never really bothered him until now. She actually persuaded him to attend a social event! If you would've told Cas he would be attending prom last week, he would've laughed out loud, something that only happened when Charlie was around.

So here he is, sitting abandoned on the bleachers. Charlie was led off by her girlfriend in the grade above them, and from his place near the corner, Cas can see them dancing. This almost doesn't bother him. He's very glad that Charlie has someone significant to her in a romantic way, but he finds himself almost jealous. If he was going to attend prom, at least he would be spending it with Charlie. But now she has completely forgotten about him, and he is stranded. The dance won't end for another hour or so, and even then, his father had made a breakthrough with his latest book, The Repercussions of Naming Your Child After Satan, so he'll be late anyways.

Speaking of Satan, Cas' older brother Lucifer is standing on the opposite side of the large room, trying to hide a smirk as a group of girls huddled near him push one girl his way, making her nearly fall on top of him. Cas rolls his eyes at the scene and quickly looks away, not wanting to see what he knows will happen next as Lucifer moves from his place leaning against the wall.

Cas' eyes rest on his younger brother, Gabriel. Technically since he's only a sophomore, he shouldn't be here, but a junior girl invited him and so of course he said yes. But now Gabriel and the girl aren't even in close proximity. The girl who asked him is far too into Lucifer to really even care about Gabe, and though this makes Cas angry, he's kind of glad because he wouldn't want his younger brother in a relationship with someone like her. So instead Gabriel is standing in the middle of the room, flirting with some poor guy who Cas believes is named Sam. This alone is enough to make Cas give a half-smile but when The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson fades out and Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard explodes out of the speakers, he actually laughs.

Cas sits back, closing his eyes. At least Anna is too young to attend. Cas has enough to worry about as it is. So his mind drifts to what it will. The punch sitting on a table outside. The slow trickle of students sneaking out to have sex, drink, party, or all three. His brother Michael who refused to attend what he described as "a distraction from the reality that school is ending and everyone is going to have to actually be responsible for their own lives." (Geez, what a mouthful). And then it drifts to his love life. He doesn't like thinking about it since it reminds him of those cheesy chick flicks Anna made him watch all the time, but at a party like this, his thoughts were bound to drift to that topic.

Cas hasn't had a relationship since the girl he "dated" in the third grade. They had been out at recess and a bee had stung her. Instead of being concerned about her, he was concerned about the bee, so that was the end of any and all relationships in the present and future. Cas hadn't minded this up until when he started high school.

It seemed everyone was in a relationship, and that's when he realized he longed to have someone to be romantically involved with, too. Not just because everyone else had someone, but because he longed for someone to hold him, for someone to think he was important, for someone to love him in a romantic way. He tried to erase the thoughts from his mind, but he couldn't wait to be in love. He hated how cheesy it sounded, but it was true.

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