Frog - Dean x Reader

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"Sammy, get the camera!!" You screech joyfully, pulling your child into a standing position. Sam reaches across the table and hands the camera to you. You hurry to turn it on, capturing your child's fifth word. So far they had learned Dad, Mom, Uncle Sam, (which was a humongous step), and food.

You never expected to ever have any kind of future with Dean, let alone have a child. But somehow it had happened. It's been a couple years now since you gave birth to the little child, and since they had pretty much learned the first words they would need, you decided to move on to animal names. You chose frog for whatever reason and so here you were, ready to finally hear the word come out of your child's mouth.

You had been trying for a couple days, but you had a good feeling this time. You had given Dean some time to practice with her when you went on a supply run, so you figure its about damn time.

Dean sits down next to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. Your beautiful child stares up at you with their large eyes. They always seem to be changing colors depending on mood, the time of day, or the weather, similar to Sam's. But they always have that unmistakeable shade of green there that they undoubtedly obtained from their father. You start the video and smile at them.

"Can you say it? Say 'frog'."

The child smiles widely.


You gasp and nearly drop the camera.

"Excuse me?"

"Fuck!" The child laughs, clapping her hands together. You barely notice that Dean's arm has left your shoulder and he's laughing to himself and Sam is trying to hide his smile.

"No, it's 'frog'."


You fight back the urge to laugh yourself and then shoot an angry glare at Dean.

"Dean Winchester! Did you teach them to do this?"

"N-no..." he manages to say through laughs.

"Liar! Sam, turn off the camera."

You grab Dean's arm and yank him up, pulling him into your shared bedroom.

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