The Djinn Chapter - Dean x Reader

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Everybody does this chapter. Reader is captured by a Djinn and it's all about the life they can't have or the life the could have had if they hadn't started hunting. Well, now I'm gonna write one. So, without further ado, here it is.

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. You weren't even technically supposed to be on the hunt. You were only gonna be in and out. But that's not how it happened.

It was going good. Everything was fine. Until you actually entered the building. That's where it all went to shit.

It was cold. And then your eyes opened. Your eyes took a moment to focus on your surroundings. There was a small bedside table next to you, and one on the other side of the bed as well. A whiskey bottle lay on the ground, half pushed underneath a pile of clothes. You pushed a heavy blanket off yourself and immediately felt about ten times colder. You looked down at yourself and gasped.

"What the fuck?"

You snatched a black t-shirt and sweatpants off the ground and quickly threw them on. Casting your gaze around the room, you noticed it looked a lot like your mom's room before the night she died. You had a house in Kansas. It's where you first met Sam and Dean. In fact, the only difference between your mom's house and this one was the clothes on the floor and the man in bed next to you.

Wait, what?!

Your eyes widened a bit as you recognized his face.


You shook him awake and almost began crying when you saw his radiant blue eyes. Colby was your boyfriend before you began the hunting life. He was killed by the same monster that killed your parents. So he couldn't be here. And yet...

"You okay, (Y/n)?"

You managed to nod and smile at him.

"I'm fine, just tired."

"Well, how about we go get some breakfast to wake you up? I'll get the kids ready."

You watched him get out of bed and leave the room before jumping out of bed yourself.

"I have kids?" You glanced down at your hand and your mouth dropped open at the sparkling ring on your finger. lAnd I'm married?"

You looked up again and noticed the plentiful clothes in the closet. You had so many clothes! Who would even need this many clothes? In the end, you opted for a flannel in the back of your closet. It looked like something you hadn't worn in a long time.


You ran out of your room when the sound of crying travelled to your ears. You followed the noise to a blue bedroom. The source of the crying turned out to be a young boy, about 6, sitting on the floor. An older boy was sitting next to him, trying to hug him.

"Bobby, be quite or Mom will hear you!"

"I don't care if Mom hears me!"

"What's going on, boys?"

"Garth was jumping on the bed and fell and bumped his head."

"Nuh-uh, Bobby pushed me!"


The older boy looked up with a scared look on his face.

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